Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Islamic Influences in the Philippines

Barter trade, equivalent exchange, and financial agreement, these words fall to the similar idea of agreeing to a set amount of items to exchange between two or more parties. A very underrated type of business, but very effective in the world of today. People see the world of business as a meaner to earn and make the most out of exchanges in order to buy more and more things for themselves, rather than the idea of getting the most out of a certain item purchased or traded.Barter in the Philippines had first been recognized in the lower regions such as Gambling, Zebu and Taw-Taw. The Filipinos there would encounter numerous people from around the world but most commonly would be the Chinese and the Muslims. The Muslims would often be known to be trading spices and silk to the Filipinos for fruits and rice, which became a very common trade throughout time. With this more and more Muslims even styled and taught many Filipinos the concepts Enid Trade and Commence between countries and cu ltures.Barter trade was an Islamic influence towards the Filipinos as it was a very common practice within the Middle East. Spices, Silk, Fruits, and Cattle were commonly traded among travelers in order to refill their stocks or to try new items. More so, Barter was a way of life in the early civilizations due to the fact that it allowed surplus foods and items to be traded for more useful items. In modern day Taw-taw, Gambling and Zebu, barter trade practices can still be en throughout the shores and towns along the coasts.Many countries such as the neighboring Malaysia have found these cities to be a well loved tender to all their needs for trading. Studies show how even families have relatives from both the Philippines and Malaysia due to the trade industry between relationships of the trading parties. The naturalistic relationship of the neighboring countries has brought many influences into the Philippines. Barter trade being one of the many, such as theIslamic religion, the sp ices in meals and the use of silk in clothing to name a few, have been significant markers to the development of the Filipino Culture. Even as the Philippines has been colonized multiple times by Spain, Japan and the United States, it still is a known fact that the Islamic culture has made quite an indention on the culture that is of the Filipino. Reference: http://pH. News. Yahoo. Com/Islamic-culture-barter-bind-Filipinos- Malaysian-134516022. HTML

Cyber Bullying Essay

Peer to peer bulling is nothing new. It has been going on for generation after generation. However the times have now changed since new technology has made it possible for peers to bully one another without even having to be face to face. This form of bullying is called â€Å"Cyber Bullying†. Teens turn fun, needed devices into â€Å"weapons† through the use of social networking websites, chat rooms and text messaging and there are even more ways possible, and through this they call each other names, belittle, and threaten kids to in some serious cases, the point of suicide. I believe it’s important to be educated about Cyber Bullying because it will help prevent it from further happening, it will show bullies just what reactions they are causing to the victims emotionally, and will show kids who are being bullied that it is OK to consult an adult about it. If we were to educate people about cyber bullying, it could show people that there is a very bad problem going on right this moment. Victims don’t speak up, Schools just don’t notice it, so it is the educated ones jobs to seek it out and help the issue. Once something is posted on the internet it will stay there forever, and if you know how to use a computer or mobile device, you can see just what is happening to your child or what your child is doing to others, anybody’s child really. Cyber Bullies in most cases are either teenagers who have been bullied or have friends that bully and want to fit in, look cool, and to just show they have power over other peers. The I-SAFE Foundation reported that over half of teens and adolescents have been bullied online and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. These numbers are mind blowing, over half? We have a problem and we need to solve it. If you see a possible case of cyber bullying, report it to the school board and/or Police. If your a teen and you are being or know of someone being cyber bullied, tell a parent, guardian, favorite teacher, big brother, anyone who can do something about it, a number of teens commit suicide everyday because of cyber bullying, and you telling one person can save someones life. Most cyber bullies just don’t know what it does to the victim on the other side. Educating victims about cyber bullying is one of the most important of all. The victims need to learn that it is ok  to report a cyber bullying, it won’t stop any other way, unless the bully gets bored which usually, is never the case. After a amount of time of getting bullied the victims confidence goes down, along with self esteem, and questions come up on, why am I alone? Victims are never alone, there will always be an adult that can help you. So far there have been around 13 million suicides cause by cyber bullying, if you thought one was too many, well try 13 million. The Cyber Bully Research Center reports that; almost every case of the suicides in of teens and adolescents thinking there is no way out, they are completely alone, and there is nothing to do about it. Well they can do something about it but even yet, Fewer than 1 in 5 cyber bullying incidents are reported to law enforcement, and 58% of teens never even tell their parents anything about the situation. It is very important to be educated about cyber bullying because of all of the good that comes from understanding all that goes on. People being educated will save lives, help victims lives improve ten fold, it shows the bullies just what they are doing to the victims, and can prevent this issue to ever be forced upon any teen and adolescent.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psychology Quiz: The Case of Ralph Tortorici Essay

In 1994, Ralph Tortorici, 26 years old, took a class hostage and ended up shooting one student in the leg and the groin. This kind of act could easily be categorized as one that would be surely convicted to a prison sentence of no less than 15 years. However, Ralph Tortorici’s case was not just because of rage and aggression; it was caused by mental illness – delusion disorder. How the court dealt with Ralph’s case is where things went wrong, and made it a torturous journey for him, ending when he took his life three years after his conviction, by hanging himself in his cell. He was sentenced to 20-47 years in prison, rather than to be sent to a mental institution. Two years before this incident, Ralph showed evidence of mental illness, and was well documented as he went to a university health worker and a state trooper for aid. He claims that a microchip is implanted in his penis as a part of a government experiment, and he could not take it anymore. He claims to hear voices from this microchip, telling him what to do. With such, actions should have been immediately made to intercede Ralph’s delusions, which perhaps wouldn’t have worsened, and more significantly, he might be still alive today. One fact I have learned about insanity defense is that pleading not guilty by reason of insanity isn’t by far the easy way out. Once an individual pleads not guilty by reason of insanity, this person is monitored by the state for the rest of his life. They must report to the state, and they become attached to the state until they die. So unless one is really mentally ill, lawyers do not advise their clients to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. Work Cited â€Å"A Crime of Insanity†. 17 Oct 2002. Pbs. org. 13 Jun 2009. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

DQ1 CK and DQ2 DW Comment to peer Response Sec1w9 Assignment

DQ1 CK and DQ2 DW Comment to peer Response Sec1w9 - Assignment Example Quilts did not qualify for copyright protection because its purpose was functional. I agree with you that quilts are considered a part of woman’s history in America. There is definitely artistic talent associated with quilt making. The terms of copyright protection in the United States are standardized. â€Å"As a general rule, for works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years† (Copywright, 2010). In your response you mentioned how copyright have evolved over the years. As you stated in your response copyrights have gotten to the production phase today. The application of copyright today includes many things including music CDs, movie DVDs, books, and website among others. Piracy is a huge problem that is hurting copyright protection in today’s economy. Piracy can be defined as an unauthorized reproduction or use of a copyright book, recording, television program, patented invention, or trademark product (Dictionary, 2011). A country that is breaking a lot copyright laws is China. It is hard or virtually impossible for American companies or the government to do anything about the piracy explosion in China. Back in the 19th century when quilting was very popular in America nobody could foresee how technological advances were going to change the world. â€Å"A quilt is a treasure which follows its owner everywhere† (Klein,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Management decisions and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management decisions and ethics - Essay Example The company’s responsibility to the environment also has stayed undeterred over the years. Being a steward of our natural resources, the company has been and will continue being committed to environmental sustainability to ensure that our home is protected and taken care of (Korhonen 25-39). It has always been our commitment to leave a positive impact on the environment our mining operations takes place. This environment includes the people or the community with which we interact. The people around us have for a long time been employed in the company and their families and the community enjoying the company’s contribution in healthcare and education. By striving to do what is right always, Massey Energy has always been venturing into deals that bring aboard personnel and equipment that are supportive in attaining the vision of protecting the workers and the environment. These activities among others are based on the long-held principle by the company of maintaining focus on the fundamentals of the mining activities while still making sure that these activities are within the sound ethical and legal business practices. Our safety strategy popularly known as â€Å"S-1† (safety first) instills in the company a culture of safety. This strategy has brought into play a well-developed process that involves training, mentoring and monitoring risk reduction and innovation. Through a regular and comprehensive assessment of the safety situation, the company has been in a position to ensure a stable and safe workforce. Currently, the corporate culture of the company is based on the priorities of safety, ethics and excellence, having treasured the people for the last fifty years. First, the company has always sought to be the employer of choice in the region. By considering the workers as an integral part of the company, we choose to refer to them as â€Å"members." We also ensure that we

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Internet Connectivity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Internet Connectivity - Research Paper Example High speed internet connectivity has greatly improved various areas (Huske, Protheroe, and Shellard, 2001). Consider the following rewards to investing in broadband internet: Waiting for pages to load is annoying. With broadband internet, pages load faster than average speed and require less page reloading. With high speed internet connection, people can browse the internet with many tabs open even with video and photos present on various pages. With broadband internet, one can stream media without interruptions. Streaming movies, music, and television shows is becoming increasingly popular and interruptions can be annoying especially when reloading a page requires more than just troubleshooting. Connections can be extremely slow if there is more than one person in a particular household using the internet at the same time. This is a major setback of the dial-up speeds internet connection. Broadband internet allows multiple users to access the internet at the same time that is; multiple users can access and utilize the internet concurrently without a hitch in connection (Vacca, 2001). To keep up with the technology of the future, you need to catch up with the technology of the present. Internet connectivity is, and will be, a necessity and there are various methods of being connected so as to be able to access and utilize the internet. Digital Subscriber Lines/Loop refers to a family of digital telecommunications protocols that allow high speed data communication over the existing telephone lines between end-users and telephone companies. DSL service is an umbrella of a number of different technologies. The most commonly installed DSL technology is the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ASDL). DSL uses higher frequency bands for data and this is the reason why the DSL service is delivered simultaneously with wired telephone service on the same telephone line. DSL requires a modem that is responsible for splitting transmissions into two frequency bands

Friday, July 26, 2019

Court analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Court analysis - Essay Example language of the court, are provided interpreters by the Courts who interpret the language of the accused and the defendant in order to come to the bottom of the case. The judge relies heavily on the language used by the interpreter in order to write down his judgment and provide his theory of justice with respect to the pertaining case. One of the major shortcomings of this process off later has been privatization. In the current context the process of interpreting the dialogue of an accused or a witness inside the Court has bee privatized in most of the countries as of today, including England. And there have been some negative results of this trade, as the courts are not satisfied that the kind of work these private agencies are doing is upto the minimum standard of the Courts. It has also been alleged that those who all are working as interpreters in the Court of England have been handled very badly and have not been treated well enough by the agency, which hired them. One of the other trends, which have been significant off late in the field of interpretation services in Courts, is the fact that the art of Court interpretation has been heavily institutionalized by the private sector. The private sector has been playing the dominant role in making this process completely seamless in the way it functions. The future management issues pertaining to interpretation of language in Courts consists of improving the pay scale of the interpreters along with trying to include more and more people into the institution who are well qualified to take up the job of interpretation. The future requires a well-qualified stream of interpreters who are able to take up the job of interpretation in an extremely skilled and smart manner. These interpreters should have a judicial knowledge of the laws pertaining to the case and should be able to give the judge an unbiased and honest view of the case. It is imperative to have skilled interpreters who are able to take up this

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Setting of The Cask of Amontillado by Edger Allen Poe Essay

The Setting of The Cask of Amontillado by Edger Allen Poe - Essay Example The distinction shown both literally and figuratively between these two aspects is typically called the gothic interior. The gothic interior, through careful attention to the setting, forces the reader to toggle between the feelings of being free and trapped, which in turn makes the reader more aware of these emotions. By taking an in-depth look at how the setting in, The Cask of Amontillado, including: the country, the carnival, the vaults, darkness, and the tomb: influence the main character’s attitude, decisions and behavior, and how it contributes to the story’s overall impact, the importance of the setting in gothic narratives becomes clear. The country in which The Cask of Amontillado takes place is Italy. This fact would typically not have a profound impact on the reader, unless they had some knowledge of the history of gothic narratives. Upon studying into the history of gothic narratives one would find that the first person to publish an explicitly gothic story , Horace Walpole did so in Otranto, Italy. The story he published, The Castle of Otranto: A Gothic Story, portrays confinement in that one of the main characters is ultimately pinned beneath a giant gold helmet that falls from the sky. So the fact that Poe chose to also set his short story, The Cask of Amontillado, in Italy could be a nod to the accomplishments of Walpole, and perhaps impact that Walpole’s writings had on his own. The fact that the main character of the story is ultimately trapped, along with the fact that one of the main characters in, The Cask of Amontillado, is trapped also leads many experts to feel this location comparison of Italy was intentional. The event that is occurring during the time this story takes place, the carnival, also has a profound impact on the gothic interior, or setting, and ultimately the actions of the main character, Montresor. The carnival is a celebration, the day before lent, in which people partake of those things they will be fasting during lent. This is a representation of a time of freedom and celebration before a time of confinement. For Montresor it also represents a time of freedom before he is ultimately confined by his own actions and murderous decision. However the description, given by Montresor, of the carnival is very vague and rushed. He does not take time to describe much of what is going on, only enough to prove how foolish and indulgent his protagonist, Fortunado, is. Even during the carnival Montresor keeps thinking of the vaults, or impending confinement. At one point during their walk toward the catacombs he says, â€Å"The vaults are insufferably damp. They are encrusted with niter† (Poe).This shows how consumed he is with his hate of Fortunado and his plan to kill. He consumed to the point that he is unable to see the life, party, or wealth he has around him his sole focus was the damp, darkness that lay ahead. As with most hate filled, vengeful plans the depths of emotion and mental turmoil lay within the dark inner chambers of ones heart and soul. This is physically manifested in The Cask of Amontillado as the dark, damp, vaults Montresor and Fortunado descend into. As they enter the vaults the narrator, Montresor, gives detailed descriptions of the death and darkness that surrounded them. He does this both verbally and with his narrative. At one point he says, â€Å"

Retirement Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Retirement Planning - Assignment Example The purpose of this paper is to discuss the different investment alternatives that I can use to develop a solid retirement plan. The biggest investment that people have is their homes. Despite the falling real estate market that occurred as a consequence of the recession of 2008 homes historically gain a lot of value over time. In 2012 the value of homes in America rose by 5.9% (Humphries, 2013). Buying a home is the first step towards financial independence. People that pay rent are throwing their money in the trash. An advantage of purchasing a home is that the interests from the mortgage on your first home are tax deductible. A good way to create wealth is by purchasing additional homes for rental. The rent typically pays for the majority of the mortgage. Upon retirement age a person can sell their second house to obtain a large sum of money. One of the best places for people to invest money towards their retirement is the stock market. The biggest stock exchange in the world is t he New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The most common investment instruments sold in the stock market are common stocks. A common stock is a security that represents ownership in a corporation (Investopedia, 2013). Owners of common stocks have voting rights. People can earn money from common stocks from equity appreciation and payment of dividends. The price of common stocks fluctuates every day. The average annual return on common stocks is 9.4% (Observationandnotes, 2009). One of best type of stocks to invest in is blue chip stocks. Blue chip stocks are stocks issued by a well know company with an established record of making money and paying dividends (Teweles, Bradley, Teweles, 1992). Three examples of blue chip stocks are Microsoft, McDonald’s, and Dell. Two types of stocks that have higher risks are foreign stocks and penny stocks. The average return of foreign stocks is 15%, but the standard deviation on the return is much higher (Ahl, 2004). Risk adverse investors should stay away from these types of equity instruments particularly penny stocks. Another type of stock that investors are often attracted too is preferred stocks. The difference between a common stock and preferred stock is that preferred stocks do not have voting rights, but dividends are guaranteed. It is important for investors to compile a diversified portfolio. Diversification can help investors lower their overall portfolio risk. The money market is another option for investors that are looking to save money towards retirement age. The money market is a financial market in which funds are borrowed or lend for short periods as distinguished from the capital market for long term funds (Teweles, et al., 1992). The best and most common money market instrument is treasury bills. Treasury bills are 90 day loans that the federal government sells to investors. The best attribute of a treasury bill is that it is a risk free investment. The federal government has never defaulted on its obli gations. The federal government also sells debt instruments that mature in six and twelve months. Another popular debt instrument is bonds. A bond is a long term loan that investors give to a governmental agency or a private institution. Bonds sold by corporations are often referred too as commercial paper. An investor that invests in a bond obtains interest known as the coupon rate. Once a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Oil and Gas Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Oil and Gas Management - Essay Example This is achieved mainly through: Local content participation can be measured based on a given project, an associate of the project or based on the country as a whole. Local content can be defined as the value added to a host nation via the activities generated by gas and oil production (Wise and Shtylla 2007). Many analysts are of the view that the effort and time spent developing local content participation strategies can be of commercial and social benefits which can generate enormous economic growth as well as have a huge share in sustainable development (Petro 2010). Oil and gas companies are different and hence it is almost impossible to achieve a successful local content participation program. To achieve a successful local content participation program, a number of key factors are to be involved. They include: A host of nations have made considerable progress in the implementation and advancement of local content participation but the issue still remains of concern. As a result, more efforts and time are necessary to realise an improvement in the local content participation practices. It is estimated that 20 years from now, 90% of hydrocarbon production will be a product of developing nations (Baker 2007). This list of developing nations that extract gas and oil have introduced the local content participation requirements into the regulatory frameworks that govern the developments of natural resources. Due to the increasing importance for the local content participation, Statoil (2008) argues that most companies view local content concept as a strategic issue with direct impacts on vital business operations, for instance, procurement and business development. In response, many developing countries are coming up with innovative tools and strategies that are directed towards meeting the requirements set by local content policies as well as contribute to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Final - Essay Example It impacts the reserves held by banks and other institutions to lend money to corporations and households. On a larger scale, it affects the supply of reserves in the banking system, and thus the interest rates and overall growth in the economy. a) If central bank sells government bond, it takes money in exchange for the bonds. This reduces the reserves of private sector banks, and their capacity to make loans to households and corporations and thus cause money growth to decline through money multiplier mechanism. The central bank usually targets a certain level of bank reserves or a particular interest rate for these reserves. OMO allows Fed to affect the supply of reserve balances in the banking system and therefore influence short term interest rates. Given that Fed sold 1 million dollars’ worth of government securities, and that the money multiplier is 5. The reserves of banks and lending institutions to go down by $1 million, this money could have been used to give out lo ans worth $5 million (Amount X Multiplier). This is part of Fed’s tightened the monetary policy. The graph below shows how a change in the supply of money influences interest rates. The supply curve of money shows the quantity of money supplied, with all other things remaining constant. As the quantity of reserves is determined by the Fed’s monetary policy, the supply curve of money is assumed to be vertical line. ... The components of GDP include: Consumption (C) Investment (I) Government Expenditure (G) Net exports (X - M) These components are easily influenced by changes in interest rates. When interest rates are high, people do not want to borrow money through loans as it is more expensive to repay. This reduces the demand for most of the products such as cars, new houses or house renovation, large appliances, luxury goods etc. which causes the overall consumption in the economy to fall. Businesses also avoid raising money for expansion or start up through loans because the interest rates are higher. Similar is the case for government borrowing. As interest rates increase, the foreign investment will tend to rise because foreigners will get a large return on their investment. This drives up the demand for dollar and causes exchange rate to rise. As exchange rates surge, our imports will become cheaper and their demand will rise; exports will be more expensive for foreigners, so their demand wi ll fall. The graph below depicts how a change in the aggregate demand will impact price level and real GDP of the economy. The graph above shows a shift in aggregate demand curve from AD to AD’, it shows the impact on price level as prices have reduced from P to P’; the real GDP in the economy has fallen from Y to Y’. As we know that the demand for labor is a derived demand, that is, it is required only when a higher quantity of other goods is required. If the aggregate demand for goods and services in the economy goes down, a lower quantity of labor will be required to produce these goods. People who are willing and able to work will not find jobs,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hebrew and Islamic Mythology Essay Example for Free

Hebrew and Islamic Mythology Essay While science and religion are notorious for their contentious and often violently contrasting relationship, they bear much in common in their agenda. Both set out to provide explanations for the world’s mysteries. And as such, they also share a large hand of unanswered questions. Perhaps chief among them, the question of the earth’s creation, and by extension, man’s ascension to awareness, is one with very few empirical explanations. And in an absence of any conclusive evidence, theories abound from all camps. A common thread in history’s chapters, myths regarding the Earth’s conception provide insight into the lives and cultures of their respective societies. In western society, the Judeo-Christian anecdote is easily the most well-known. This story is the primary creationist mythology for many monotheistic sects. Herein, God creates the earth in six days, with man arriving on the last. On the seventh day, the omnipotent rests and thus, delivers man the Sabbath. However, in the centuries that preceded the inflection point where monotheism began to take popular hold, polytheistic idolaters provided the most commonly held ideas about the earth’s origin. One of the earliest examples of the literate and elaborated nature that these myths could take on comes from the rich tapestry of Greek mythology. The Greeks were idol-worshippers who had developed a complex and extremely colorful cast of gods. Though not omnipotent like the Judeo-Christian almighty, these gods were believed to possess real and considerable power over the lives of their human subjects. The Greek myth of creation is an exposition of that relationship. It was believed that, prior to earth, there was nothing but darkness. And amid this darkness, the only object was a black-winged bird called Nyx. This bird, alone in the void, was impregnated by the wind. (Note the parallel to the immaculate conception of Christ. ). As a result of this cosmic union, she yielded a golden egg, which she proceeded to roost upon for many thousands of years. Eventually, this egg hatched and the god of love, Eros, sprang forth. Just as Eros was born, so too were his siblings, whom he was given the honor of naming. They were the upper and lower halves of his shell, which rose to the air and sank to the ground respectively. They became the sky and the earth. Eros called them Uranus and Gaia and blessed them with love. This love resulted in children and grandchildren who would blossom into twisted, war-bent gods whose better judgment would be often blinded by a hopeless quest for power. A first-generation child of Gaia and Uranus, Kronus took a wife in Rhea and produced many children, whom he grew to fear immensely. Kronus, a problem-solver by nature, swallowed his children while they were still infants, thus preventing what he considered to be the inevitable threat of usurpation. The youngest of his sons, however, was also the most beloved to Rhea so she deceived her husband into consuming a rock in the child’s place. This youngest child, Zeus, would grow strong in manhood and ultimately bring to realization Kronus’ greatest fear. Zeus liberated his brothers and sisters from his father’s malicious and all-consuming grasp. Then he led them to revolution, waging a war against the tyrannical god. In their victory, they turned their benevolent attention to the great creations of Nyx. The gods began to populate Uranus with the stars thus creating space. They began to furnish Gaia with life, thus birthing nature. After creating the appropriate backdrop, the gods recognized that the earth was correct excepting its want for animals and humans. Zeus set to the task his sons Prometheus and Epimetheus, whose names translate literally to mean forethought and afterthought. This provides some interesting insight, perhaps, into the Greek perspective about man’s intellectual capacity and eventual self-awareness. In addition, it offers literal details about the unique abilities and idiosyncrasies that mark the species which populate the earth. When assigned to the job of designing creatures, the brothers were given a variety of gifts to offer their creations. While Epimetheus set upon the task of creating the animals and awarding them all with gifts, Prometheus carefully sculpted man to be in the image of the gods. (Again, man’s definition as being in the image of god holds much in common with Judeo-Christian creationism). When he completed his task, he found that Epimetheus had given away all the gifts, leaving humankind with the shaft. Prometheus sought to rectify the matter by stealing a trace of fire from the setting sun and giving it to man. When Zeus awoke to find man in possession of that which was to belong only to the gods, he was furious. He punished Prometheus to an eternity stapled to a tree, having his liver chewed on by vultures. But the damage was done. Man had been created and given the power of fire. There is a great deal more to Greek mythology, as with the bible. The role of the gods takes on a wide array of purposes, gradually divining all of man’s vices and virtues. But in the story of the earth’s creation alone, there is much illumination. The Greek legend begins to tell part of the story of Greek culture insofar as it offers some true self-examination. In this story of violence, deception and a natural tendency toward roguishness, the Greeks provide a piercing look into a psyche long since perished from the world. Surviving with far greater ideological intensity are those creation myths driving modern faith. The traditional structure of the dominant monotheistic faiths incorporates a narrative regarding the creation of earth and man into its formative doctrines. Herein is typically contained an originating explanation for the relationship between god, man, heaven and earth that provides grounding for the entirety of the faith’s sacred text. This is a fundamental commonality between the texts of the Hebrew Bible and the Holy Qur’an, both of which dedicate significant portions of their second chapters to delineating the story of the first man. It is striking to compare the passages concerning the creation of the first man as they appear in the two texts. Though today Judaism and Islam function almost as antecedents to one another, with their practitioners often viewing their respective texts as placing them into diametric and practical opposition of one another, these passages provide evidence of their common derivation. The creation myths of the two religions suggest that their political, social and cultural differences today may stem from the nuances therein, which had the effect of placing their interests in close confines with one another while arming them with divergent perspectives on how best to achieve said interests. The details surrounding God’s deliverance of Adam to the Garden are essentially the same according to the two texts, but the wording of each calls for closer speculation. In Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible, God follows his work of creating the heaven and the earth by creating man: â€Å"Then the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.. † (Gen. 2:7) From here is taken a substantial assumption in the Judeo-Christian faith which proceeds from it, that man is created in the image and likeness of God. The breath of God, this passage indicates, circulates in the body of every man, suggesting a responsibility to godliness for all of us. The Qur’an, in its recognition of the same deliverance to the Garden, paints a different image in acknowledgment of God’s endowment of life. In keeping with a prominent thematic impulse of the Qur’an, convicting its readers to note the distinction in fates for believers and nonbelievers, the phrase depicting Adam’s creation is posed with a similar connotation: â€Å"How do you deny Allah and you were dead and He gave you life? Again He will cause you to die and again bring you to life, then you shall be brought back to Him. † (Koran, 2:28) This is a passage which demands not just belief in the creationist role of Allah but also a devotion to eradicating or combating non-belief. More explicitly and ideologically pertinent though, it carries with it a description of the process of reincarnation. Man, in this passage, is described as an entity being fully at the mercy of God within the bonds of the creator-to-created relationship. And where the berth into God’s image, held in the Hebrew Bible, ultimately predisposed man to divine immortality, this infinitude is represented differently in Islam. The overtones of reincarnation here suggest that man is not considered to be made in the image of God, nor even an element of the earth as also implied by Genesis 2:7, but is a soul perpetually disposed to take forms according to the will of Allah. This does not necessarily indicate a fundamental difference in the dispositions of the gods in question, Yahweh and Allah in the bible and Qur’an respectively. In Genesis, there is an articulated statement regarding God’s willingness and right, as creator, to snuff out his subject for transgression of his law. At the time, this law was constituted summarily of one directive in which â€Å"the LORD God commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. †(Gen. 2:16-17) These foreboding words are those which assured our mortality on an earth characterized as the forum for exile from the Garden. The air which god breathed into us through Adam’s nostrils would, as God promised, be the price paid for partaking of the fruit. This fall from the grace of godly immortality would define the nature of man’s life-cycle, and by extension, theoretical concepts such as time and space and spiritual assumptions about death and the afterlife. God’s proposition to Allah as depicted in the Qur’an is not endowed with the same consequence, perhaps a product of the initial divergence between the two texts with regard to the fundamental construct of man in relation to his god: â€Å"And We said: O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the garden and eat from it a plenteous (food) wherever you wish and do not approach this tree, for then you will be of the unjust. † (Koran, 2:35) The fall from grace is described quite differently here, with man incurring no such threat as explicit as a certain death. This is a condition already possessed of man in the passage concerning his formation. It is not a punishment but a state of being given grounded in man’s relationship to Allah. Original sin is still a common element to the doctrines of the two faiths, but its consequences appear as quite different actually. In the Hebrew Bible, the serpent is a creature which plays the role of deceiver and, by metaphorical extension, the antithetical and fundamentally evil counterpart to God’s unchanging benevolence. This is contrasted by the Qur’an’s direct address of a Satan figure, a development affirming its composition as having occurred at a far later date than that of Genesis: â€Å"But the Shaitan made them both fall from it, and caused them to depart from that (state) in which they were; and We said: Get forth, some of you being the enemies of others, and there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time. † (Koran, 2:36) A punishment dealt herein concerns man’s occupation of earth as a home, with God endowing it only a finite capacity to host mortal life. Again, the contrast between the implications to man’s punishment for Original Sin in the two texts can be traced to the contrast in man’s assumed composition. In the Hebrew Bible, God punished Eve and her offspring to a perpetuity of painful childbearing â€Å"and unto Adam He said: Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying: Thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. † (Gen. 3:17) In this passage, a fundamental difference in perspective is illuminated, that man’s lot, to toil on the land, is a punishment profoundly connected to his violation of God’s will and his organic relationship to the soil. Where the Garden of Eden was a sanctuary at Adam’s disposal, the Earth would be his responsibility and his shackles. His mortality would be profoundly chained to his capacity to manage the earth. Where Islam casts its subjects as inhabitants of a land inevitably bound to eventually leave them to resource-deprived oblivion, Judaism confines its followers to a eternity of suffering knowledge of the earth’s hard reality. God tells Adam of this fate as being a mixed blessing, with the knowledge equally capable of delivering him to pain and pleasure, â€Å" for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil. † (Gen. 3:5) In a way, this is a complete fulfillment of man’s emulation of the creator-image just as it is the downfall from godliness. Indeed, the serpent cavorts Eve by telling her that she and Adam will be endowed with knowledge and fortitude, and be gods themselves. In exchange for this transgression, god casts man without guidance into the desert abyss. This is contrasted by the denouement of original sin in the Qur’an, where Allah casts his children out but does so under the auspices of mercy: â€Å"We said: Go forth from this (state) all; so surely there will come to you a guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. † (Koran, 2:38) Here, God reaffirms his commitment to man even in his failing, offering him an unconditional love as sanctuary for the pain and suffering of the land. The intricacies that differentiate the two texts offer a useful set of variations on a creation story that is highly associated with the evolution of monotheism. Particularly, the mutual centrality of the texts on man’s role and purpose in the earth’s creation and the heaven’s sanctity illustrates the capacity of each to elucidate its pursuant culture’s views on God’s divine plan for humanity. Bibliography: Fahs, Sophia Lyon, Spoerl, Dorothy T. Beginnings: Earth, Sky, Life, Death. Beacon Press. Boston. 1965. Freund, Philip. Myths of Creation. Washington Square Press, Inc. New York City. 1965. Koran Text. (1997 edition). The Holy Qur’an. University of Virginia: Online Book Initiative. Online at http://etext. virginia. edu/etcbin/toccer-new2? id=HolKora. sgmimages=images/modengdata=/texts/english/modeng/parsedtag=publicpart=teiHeader Masoretic Text. (JPS 1917 Edition). A Hebrew-English Bible. Mechon Mamre. Online at http://www. mechon-mamre. org/p/pt/pt0. htm

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Francisella Tularensis Gene Sequencing

Francisella Tularensis Gene Sequencing Francisella tularensis, a pathogenic gram-negative bacteria and the only bacteria recognized under the genus Francisellaceae of the gammaproteobacteria family, was isolated by George Walter McCoy from ground squirrels in 1912. There are four subspecies of F. tularensis: biovar tularensis (type A), biovar holartica (type B), subspecies novicida, and biovar mediasiatica. Type A, most commonly found within North America, is the most virulent subspecies and includes the fully sequenced laboratory strain, SCH4U. Type B is most commonly found within Europe and Asia but is rarely linked to fatal disease while subspecies novicida and biovar mediasiatica, found within North America and central Asia respectively, are non-virulent strains in human hosts, however, little is known about the latter. F. tularensis is non-motile , aerobic and rod shaped with an approximate size of 0.2  µm. Despite F. tularensis having been categorized as a Class A Select Agent by the U.S. government as a prospective instrument of bioterrorism, human-to-human transmission of the bacteria has not been observed. F. tularensis is most commonly spread through vectors such as ticks or deer flies, with aquatic rodents, deer and lagomorphs being common reservoir hosts. F. tularensis has the ability to infect a host via skin contact and inhalation, leading to ulceroglandular forms of tularemia and pneumonic tularemia. Without treatment, pneumonic tularemia has been shown to be fatal (mortality rate of 30-60% if left untreated), causing symptoms such as fever, anorexia, and septicemia within approximately three to four days after infection. Although human-to-human transmission has not been identified, F. tularensis’ ability to infect human hosts is not hindered. F. tularensis requires a low infectious dose (approximately 10-50 bacteria), contributing to its high virulence. Being an intrac ellular bacterium requiring cysteine for growth can be limiting, however F. tularensis is capable of surviving outside of a host for weeks at a time. This characteristic leads to its easy spread when one comes in contact with water and grasslands, particularly during activities like brushcutting or lawn mowing in which the carcasses of dead reservoir animals may be present within the environment, leading to what is commonly known as â€Å"lawnmower disease† or â€Å"rabbit disease†. Tularemia is endemic in North America, Europe and Asia with 5-10% of cases being waterborne infection opposed to the most common method, via contact with reservoir animals. At risk groups include those who are immunosuppressed. The life cycle of this intracellular pathogen is important in determining which aspects are of main focus when dealing with potential virulence factors. There are approximately five steps of this pathogens life cycle: entry (associated with type IV pili), phagosomal escape, cytoplasmic multiplication (associated with biofilms and ppGpp), lysis and release (associated with MglA). The entry of this pathogen is dependent on complement factor C3, mannose receptors and cell surface-expressed nucleolin (encoded by the ncl gene). Within the cell, the bacterium colocalizes within arrested, late endosomal phagosomes. Within 15-30 minutes, the phagosomes are destroyed and the bacteria escape into the cytoplasm of the host cell. After multiplication, two distinct mechanisms for host cell lysis occur: Type 1-induced apoptosis and caspase 1-mediated pyropoptosis (in which immune cells that recognize signals of infection within themselves, go through programmed cell death via production of cytokin es). The pathogens response to innate immunity within the host cell also plays a role in it’s virulence as evading innate responses (such as production of cytokines) is crucial when infecting host cells, macrophages in particular. Being able to detect environmental changes through use of two-component systems help the pathogen survive in different conditions within or outside of host cells, which can have a huge impact on its virulence as well. Biofilms also play a significant role in the virulence of F. tularensis. Biofilms are a community of microbes attached to a surface, encased in a matrix. Biofilms help provide protection from antimicrobial agents as well as protection from the immune system of the host. Biofilms play a role in chronic infections as they protect the bacteria which are most resistant to antibiotics or antimicrobials that may be administered to the host. In the case of F. tularensis, biofilm formation is increased when the relA gene is inactivated. Production of hyperphosphorylated guanosine diphosphate and triphosphate analogs or (p)ppGpp, is used to combat limited nutrient conditions. Uncharged tRNA molecules bind the ribosome resulting in stalling of translation and activation of ribosome associated RelA. This causes the production of (p)ppGpp which is then converted to ppGpp. ppGpp molecules bind RNA polymerase to alter gene expression under certain conditions. Inactivation of the relA gene causes d efective production of (p)ppGpp which leads to increased biofilm formation and increased resistance to stress. These biofilms make it hard to treat infections resulting from this pathogen as eliminating the pathogen from the body becomes more difficult with increased production of biofilms and increased resistance. The ability for this pathogen to survive without a host is due, in part, to its ability to adapt to different environments by activation and repression of genes, some of which are found within what are known as pathogenicity islands. In the case of F. tularensis, the pathogenicity island FP1, contains 17 highly controlled genes that are crucial to its survival. In the laboratory strain of Type A alone, the expression of approximately 658 genes are up regulated and/or down regulated during infection within macrophages. The change in expression of these genes has helped researchers understand F. tularensis’ reactions to specific environmental stimuli such as temperature, limited iron source and oxidative stress. In terms of temperature as an environmental stimuli, F. tularensis is able is to alter its outer surface when growing in temperatures of 25 °C as opposed to 37 °C in a human host, by modifying the lipid A of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). This pathogen is capable of tempe rature changes through involvement of alternative sigma factors as well as heat-shock proteins. In F. tularensis, the only alternative sigma factor that is encoded is RpoH. In terms of iron acquisition, intracellular pathogens require the ability to acquire iron because of the limited availability within mammalian host cells, as intracellular replication is iron-dependent. F. tularensis contains siderophores. These small molecules grow under iron-limiting conditions and bind iron from inorganic and host sources. Studies show that iron-starved F. tularensis expresses an additional 80 genes, including some within FP1, and that F. novidica growth in broth and macrophages is inhibited as well as it virulence in regards to causing pneumonic tularemia in mouse models. In addition to temperature and iron acquisition, the detection of oxidative stress is important as oxidative stress is hugely involved in innate antimicrobial responses by macrophages in the host. Reactive oxygen species (RO S) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) have the ability to produce superoxide and hydrogen peroxide molecules which cause damage to biological molecules within bacterial cells, such as DNA, as well as important enzymes which lead to metabolic defects. F. tularensis has the ability to inactivate these reactive species by inactivation of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase which is found within the phagolysosome and is required to reduce oxygen to superoxide anions. Environmental stimulus is important when studying the virulence of this pathogen as it is directly related to regulation of virulence gene expression. In fact, the gene MglA (or macrophage growth locus) has been linked with responses to oxidative stress. MglA in particular, is required for replication within macrophages. MglA is highly up-regulated during infection and mutant strains are unable to escape macrophage phagosomes. MglA binds with SspA (a transcription factor that responds to nutrient limitation) as well as RNA polymerase in a heterodimer which is required for FP1 gene activation. In order for the pathogen to detect these environmental stimuli, however, two component regulatory systems composed of membrane-bound sensor kinases and cytoplasmic response regulators are essential. The F. tularensis genome codes for two of these systems, one of which is of major importance and contains a response regulator that resembles PmrA of E. coli bacteria, involved in LPS modification. Inactivation of this gene increases susceptibility to killing through antimicrobial actions, decreased growth and inability to escape macrophages. PmrA is described as a DNA binding protein that allows for binding of the MglA and SspA complex bound to RNA polymerase to initiate FP1 gene transcription. Aside from gene expression relating to virulence, genes within F. tularensis’ genome have also been shown to produce structures that aid with its life cycle and its virulence. One structure in particular is type IV pili. Multifunctional and flexible, these appendages are capable of adhesion, motility, biofilm formation and conjugation, all of which are important aspects of colonization of pathogens. In human strains of the virus, type IV pili have been shown to be essential for virulence, specifically in type A. In type B strains (which have relatively low virulence), however, pseudogenes of genes encoding type IV pili have been found which further support the idea that virulence is somehow connected to type IV pili. In the case of F. tularensis, type IV pili are essential for the binding of the bacterial cell to host cells to allow phagocytosis to occur. Mutant strains lacking the genes responsible for the production of pili (mainly pilA, pilB, pilC, pilD, pilT, and pilQ) are considerably attenuated in pathogenicity. Another structural virulence determinant is the ability of Francisella tularensis to suppress and avoid early innate immune responses (which slows progression of infection and allows for adaptive immunity to develop) by modifying its LPS, as mentioned previously in regards to PmrA and temperature as an environmental stimulus. Through removal of Kdo (3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid) saccharide, F. tularensis is able to kill the host before adaptive immunity matures. Mutant strains with the inability to modify its LPS are shown to be attenuated in mice models, inducing an early innate immune response. The O-antigen present within the LPS of F. tularensis is also important for multiplication. O-antigen is a repetitive glycan polymer, composing the outermost domain of the LPS. Mutant strains lacking O-antigen show susceptibility to killing by serum. F. tularensis also produces AcpA (burst-inhibiting acid phosphatase) which inhibits respiratory bursts (release of neutrophils by macrophag es when they encounter bacteria) in order to help evade host immune system responses. Though the genome of F. tularensis has been sequenced, not many genes have been shown to be identical or even similar to those currently within bioinformatics databases. This makes it challenging to determine what genes are responsible for what functions. As described above, the major factors that determine F. tularensis’ virulence are mainly two-component systems which detect environmental stimuli, helping the bacteria adapt to environmental change (including temperature, iron limitation and oxidative stress), which leads to expression of important regulatory genes such as MgIA, PmrA, and relA, all of which are associated with specific stages of its life cycle. MglA is of major importance because of its role in initiating transcription of another virulence factor, the FP1 pathogenicity island. Biofilms, LPS modification and type IV pili also influence virulence through their ability to aid in multiplication, resistance, and evasion of innate immunity as well as entry into hos t cells. Even though the functions of many genes within the genome of F. tularensis are unknown, this pathogen is still very important to the world of biotechnology because of its ability to be used as a biological weapon. This is due to several characteristics of F. tularensis including being: easy to aerosolize, highly infective (requiring only a small dose of 10-50 bacteria for infection) highly incapacitating to infected hosts (with a relatively high mortality rate if its associated disease is left untreated). WHO estimated, in 1969, that 50kg of aerosolized virulent F. tularensis could result in 250,000 illnesses and 19,000 deaths if dispersed over a population of approximately 5 million people. This has led to production of a live vaccine as well as an attenuated; however the live vaccine has not yet been approved within the United States and the attenuated vaccine is only available in special cases. Disease associated with this pathogen is currently treated with antibiotics, the drug choice being streptomycin or tetracycline-class drugs. The best way to prevent an infection by F. tularensis is through proper protection when skinning wild animals, particularly lagomorphs (rabbits), avoiding ingestion of uncooked reservoir animals and untreated water sources in which these animals inhabit as well as wearing repellent to prevent tick bites.

Tescos strategy of expansion into China

Tescos strategy of expansion into China Present an insightful evaluation of the general strategy and one specific aspect of its international strategy. To do this you should analyse the financial strength of the business. You need to use recent data. You need to draw on an appropriate literature. Key issues for managers need to be clearly identified. You need to show how the specific strategy fits into the global plan. You need to set your report against the background of current global business challenges. You need to provide and evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy. For example, Tescos strategy of expansion into China This report outlines the opportunities facing Tesco as a result of its international expansion strategy in Asia focussing on its current expansion in China. Layout Start with an executive summary. e.g. This management report sets out to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats associated with Tescos strategy of developing a strong presence in the retailing market in China. The specific strategy that is explored is that of developing four storey shopping malls. The move into China is part of a generic growth strategy by Tesco, particularly focussing on large emerging markets. The report shows that there are significant opportunities in a market that was worth  £600 billion in 2010. Challenges facing management involve making sure that all of the primary activities in the value chain are efficient and effective, and developing ongoing relationships in China to ensure a cultural fit between Tescos objectives, and strategies and those of stakeholders in China. Next introduce your organisation. 1.Tesco as an organisation Tescos scope Today Tesco is an international retailer of household goods, food, and clothing, as well as providing a delivery service and banking service in some markets. Tescos home market is the UK, but since 2005 the company has increasingly been developing its presence in new markets particularly continental Europe, the United States and Asia (including Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia and China). Tescos competitive strength Tesco is currently the worlds third largest international retailer after Wal-Mart and Carrefour. However, a recent report (2008, Global Retailing: Preparing for Change, IGD) forecasted that by 2012 Tesco will be in second position with an estimated growth rate of 12% compared with Carrefours 7%. Tescos strength rests in providing value for money offers supported by strong partnerships, and an effective supply chain. 2.Tescos strategies Tescos generic strategy Tesco has five main elements to its strategy. It is the first of these elements that this assignment focuses on in particular. The five areas are: 1.To be an international retailer 2.To maintain a strong core UK business 3.To be as strong in non-food as in food 4.To develop retailing service 5.And to put the community at the heart of everything we do. The retailing market in the UK has become saturated. Tesco is the leading player in this market account for  £1 in every  £7 of grocery sales. However, the potential to increase growth in the UK is limited faced by increasing saturation of the market and intense competition. Tesco is therefore increasingly focussing on the development of new international markets. This includes the development of Fresh n Easy stores in the US, and a range of new hypermarket formats in Asia. 2.2 Tescos strategy for China Tesco has targeted China as a particularly important growth opportunity. Tesco entered the Chinese market in 2004 by forming a 50:50 partnership with Ting Hsin Internal Group (with existing retailing outlets). Shenkar and Luo (p.319) argue that partner selection is widely recognised as a vital factor in Global Strategy Alliance success. They believe that benefits will only accrue through the retention of a partner that can provide the complementary skills, competencies, or capabilities that will assist the firm in accomplishing its strategic objectives. Ting Hsins competencies included existing experience in the Chinese market, and strong links with local and regional government. Ting Hsin was able to provide Tesco with know how in relation to local operating conditions (include local laws, and customer patterns). By 2006 Tesco was able to increase its stake in the partnership to a 90:10 relationship. In 2008 Tesco rebranded its stores as Tesco Legou (Happy Shopping) to localise the branding of the product. Fateh, K (2008. p.355) identifies the value for multinationals of developing hybrid international strategies combining global integration with host country focus. Tescos rebranding and focus on meeting the needs of local customers in China makes it possible to support locally developed products with the vast marketing and financial resources of Tescos headquarters office. 3 Tesco in China 3.1 Features of the market in China Currently grocery sales in China are worth  £600 billion (2010). There are 221 cities in China that are predicted to have more than one million inhabitants by 2025 compared with 35 in Europe now. It is urban dwellers in large cities that provide the target market for Tesco in China. In urban areas in China shopping malls have become particularly popular locations for supermarkets. In China there are fewer cars than in the UK (2 per 100 population). Tesco has already opened four lifespace shopping centres. A lifespace shopping centre is made up of four floors. The first floor contains the Tesco hypermarket. The other floors contain other shopping premises that may be leased to other companies to sell their goods often clothes and household items such as furniture. 3.2 Expansion in China Tesco is expecting to quadruple its annual sales in China between 2010 and 2015. The current strategy is to build 50 shopping malls in China by 2015 and to develop a further 30. 3.3 The advantages of the joint venture format Tescos partnership with Ting Hsin took the form of a joint venture set up for the purpose of ongoing cooperation (Stonehouse, G p.271). Ting Hsin already had 25 up market mall type stores in 25 locations. Tesco was therefore able to benefit from this substantial presence in the market in China. The benefits for Ting Hsin related to Tescos global buying power, reputation and the strength of finance that Tesco could bring to the table. 4.Tescos financial strength 4.1 Sales and profits Tescos 2010 Income Statement showed a sales revenue of  £57 billion from which it generated operating profits of  £3.4 billion. Tescos current strategy is that of growth. This growth strategy is built on sales growth. For the last ten years Tesco has generated operating margins in the UK of roughly 6%. However, sales growth in the UK is relatively slow. In the second quarter of 2010 sales growth in the UK was 5.3% (Tesco Income Statement, October 2010). 4.2 Tescos financial strength in Asia The first two Asian markets that Tesco entered since 2000 were Thailand and South Korea. Tesco is currently making operating margins in these countries of 5%. The table below highlights Tescos financial position in Asia: Sales and profits 2010 (Source: Tesco: Operating Report 2010) Asia Sales  £5,725m Asia trading profit  £228m Asia trading margin 4.6% Tesco is particularly interested in developing its presence in Asia. In the most recent annual company review (2010), the Chief Executive stated: Our important Asian markets in particular are emerging strongly from recession. In contrast, he pointed out that economic recovery in the UK is slow and steady. In the second quarter of 2010 Tesco reported the following figures for sales growth: UK 5.3% Group 8.8% Asia 27.7% 4.3 Tescos financial strength in China In 2010 Tescos sales in China were worth  £848m. The company reported that it was on the verge of breaking even in China. Tescos current strategy in China is to build 50 shopping malls in China by 2015 and to develop a further 30. 5 Tescos operations in China 5.1 Tescos focus areas Tescos original strategy involved focussing on three regional areas. These were city areas in which average incomes were relatively high and in which consumers were already exposed to international influences. The three areas were Shanghai as a hub for operations in Eastern China, Beijing in the North and Guangzhou in the South. 5.2 Core competences in China Tesco already source many products which go into its stores across the globe from Chinese manufacturers. It sources $1.1 billion of products from China a year. Tesco therefore has built strong relationships with local suppliers in China. Tesco has had many years of experience as a large retailer in developing supply contracts with suppliers in the UK. This is thus a core competence (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990) of the organisation. Core competences are those attributes of an organisation that give it a distinct advantage over competitors. Other core competences that Tesco has built in China include centralised distribution centres. These reduce the numbers of deliveries required to individual stores, thus resulting in substantial cost savings. Tesco has also developed own brand products for China the value brand, and Tesco Legou. Another core competence is that of developing relationships. This fits in with Tescos strategy of putting the community at the heart of everything we do (Tesco Strategy document). Tesco has 58 stores in 22 cities in China. The company employs 17,600 staff, 99% of whom are local to the store. Tescos experience of driving value through all aspects of the value chain (Porter, 1974) in the UK have been applied to its operations in China including the organisation of inbound and outbound logistics, supermarket operations, market research and customer service. 6 Management issues facing Tesco 6.1 Cultural complexity A key issue facing Tesco management in developing operations in China relates to levels of cultural complexity. Fateh (p.132) distinguishes between countries with low context cultures like the United Kingdom and countries with high context cultures such as China. The difficulty facing British managers in working in China is that some meanings and interpretations of events are not explicitly stated. This was an important reason for Tesco to create a joint venture partnership as a market entry strategy. By working with Chinese partners and Chinese managers Tesco has been able to deal with issues associated with cultural complexity and to develop strong networks of relationships within the local communities in which its stores have been sited. 6.2 Potential areas for difficulty Carrefour and other international supermarket chains operating in China have had difficulties in some areas with regards to gaining planning permission and licences to operate from local authorities. Initially Chinese government policy was to only allow Foreign Direct Investment in the sector in collaboration with a local partner. Although this requirement has since been relaxed Tesco has chosen to work closely with its local partner in order to develop strong community relationships and thus an ongoing licence to operate in the regions were its malls are cited. 7.Evaluation of the strategy 7.1 Break-even point Tescos has announced that it is currently at the point of breaking even in China (Financial Times, 2010). Today, Tesco recognise Asia as being the major area for its international growth strategy. This compares with ten years ago when the company was almost exclusively a UK retailer. The position is quite different today as shown by Tescos presence in Asia: Number of stores (2010) UK 215 Asia 186 Sales area space (ooo square feet) UK 31,285 Asia 28,838 Operating margins are slightly higher in the UK when compared with Asia (about 1p in the  £ higher), however, sales growth is much faster in Asia. Thailand and South Korea have already proved to be profitable markets for Tesco. 7.2 Competitive challenges The challenge facing Tesco in China is that it is a highly competitive market. Tesco is not the only company developing local partnership arrangements. Tesco has committed a substantial portion of its cash reserves and profits into investing in China. As shown in this report there are substantial economies of scale to be achieved by operating in central locations in Chinas thriving city areas. Key issues that managers need to face include ensuring ongoing strong relations with local partners and employees. Tescos competitive success rests in providing value for money products with relatively cheap prices. These competitive strengths go down well with Chinese consumers looking for value for money. 7.3 Credibility challenges Developing links in China requires working closely with local government authorities, and construction companies to develop new malls. It is essential that Tesco makes sure that the quality of workmanship on these new malls is to the highest planning and safety standards. It is essential in sourcing products from local suppliers to ensure that all products meet the same levels of safety standards that Tesco employs in its other outlets across the globe. The market in China is potentially the most substantial on the globe. Tesco already sources substantial quantities of its supplies from Chinese manufacturers. There is thus every possibility that Tescos international strategy of growth will yield high sales revenues and profits in China. Exemplar references. You need to reference all of the texts that you include in your work. E.g. Fatehi, K, (2008) Managing Internationally, Succeeding in a Culturally Diverse World, Sage, London. You also need to reference any information you get directly from company reports and websites. E.g. Tesco, 2010, Annual Report and Financial Statements.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing Platos Allegory of the Cave and Maimonides Limits of Mans

Plato's Allegory of the Cave and Maimonides' Limits of Man's Intellect      Ã‚   Enlightenment is the key subject of both Plato's "Allegory" and Moses Maimonides' "Limits of Man's Intellect." To them, obtaining knowledge is life's most significant objective. Plato stresses "the Good" while Maimonides encourages "Perfection" as the aim of this objective. While both authors share compatible thoughts toward the subject of enlightenment, there are key differences between "the Good" and "Perfection" that should be duly noted.    In Plato's "Allegory" we see mankind in a state of imprisonment. What they consider reality is merely shadows that are cast on a cavern wall. This can be linked to Maimonide's essay in that he views man's youth as a kind of imprisonment when it comes to obtaining abstract knowledge. He says it is important to initiate the young and teach them according to their ability to comprehend (296). This I feel is an initial starting point, a state of beginnings similar to man being shackled by the limits of its intellect at youth. In the "Allegory of ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Foreign scholars had many empirical studies on the price level and price dispersion in the E-commerce market. They were as the follows: 1) In 2000, Brown and Goolsbee had discovered that the insurance price became lower and the dispersion degree varied from high to low with the gradual perfection of the selling channel on the internet. Morton, etc. (2000) had studied the vehicle price and found out that the vehicle price online was lower than the price offline and the price dispersion varied from high to low. Erevelles, etc. (2001) took a research on the price of vitamin (health products) and discovered that the price was lower online and the price dispersion was lower than that of the traditional market. Durisin and Carimarti (2003) inspected the price of books and CDs and they came to a similar conclusion that the price of these products was lower on the internet. These scholars had taken researches on the price of books, CDs, medicine, vehicle and insurance and they observed that the utilization of internet had not only reduced the market price but also the price dispersion in E-commerce market. 2) Clay, etc.(1999) had collected the prices of over 100 kinds of books in 13 online bookstore and 2 traditional bookstore and the study results revealed that even though the average price of online bookstore and traditional bookstore were basically the same, there was an obvious price dispersion among the online bookstores[11]. Brynjolfsson and Smith (2000) had studied the prices of books and CDs online and in the entities stores and they concluded that the price in the E-commerce marker was lower than that that of the traditional market and the price dispersion degree was higher. To further their study, Clay and Tay (2002) had made a... ...led the multi-channel retailers. Many scholars had compared and studied the price and price dispersion of Dotcoms and multi-channel retailers. Pan, etc.(2002) observed that Dotcoms’ prices of CD, DVD, desktop computer and laptop were lower than that of the multi-channel retailers; Dotcoms’ prices of books and software were higher than that of the multi-channel retailers; Dotcoms’ prices of PDA and electronic products were similar to that of the multi-channel retailers. What’s more, the price divergence of these eight kinds of products declined as time went on but it always existed. Pan, etc.(2002) took another research and it illustrated that Dotcoms’ prices of clothes and ornaments, presents, flowers, health care, beauty treatment, gardening, sports, computer hardware, electronic products and the office products were lower than that of the multi-channel retailers.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Ontology of Many-Worlds: Modality and Time Essays -- Compare Contr

The Ontology of Many-Worlds: Modality and Time ABSTRACT: There are two types of theories regarding many worlds: one is modal, while the other is temporal. The former regards reality as consisting of many possible worlds, while the latter holds that reality consists of many momentary worlds, which are usually called moments. I compare these two theories, paying close attention to the concept of transworld identity and compare trans-possible world identity with trans-momentary world identity (or transmoment identity). I characterize time from the point of many-worlds view, believing this to be one of the best ways of grasping the reality of time. First, I show that there is reason to adopt the many-worlds view because transworld identity is meaningful for both of them, while it is not for space. Second, I argue that transmoment identity is different from transpossible world identity concerning reality. The former is a realistic relation, while the latter is not. Thus, I find that the reality of time is in the relation of transmomen t identity. Such a view, I contend, has merit on the basis that it recognizes the reality of time in a sense that is not true of space. Introduction There are two kinds of theories of many-worlds; the one is modal and the other temporal. The former regards the reality as consisting of many possible worlds, while the latter as consisting of many momentary worlds, which usually are called 'moments'. (1) In this paper I make a comparison between modal and temporal theories of many-worlds, especially paying attention to the concept of transworld identity and so making a comparison between trans-possible-world identity and trans-momentary-world identity (or trans-moment identity abbreviately). (2... ... for the present argument. (5) Kaplan's theory of direct reference does not necessarily presuppose the ontology of many-worlds. So my critcism is not directed for his theory itself but for its application to the ontological explanation of trans-moment identity. (6) This sentence is a slight modification of the example which Kaplan himself used. (Kaplan, D., 1989, p. 577, n.21) References (Kaplan, D., 1977) "Demonseratives", in Themes from Kaplan, Almog, J. etc. ed., Oxford University Press, 1989, pp.481-563. (Kaplan, D., 1989) "Afterthoughts", in Themes from Kaplan,pp.565-614. (Kripke, S.,1980) Naming and Necessity (2nd ed.), Basil Blackwell. (Lewis, D., 1986) On the Plurality of Worlds, Basil Blackwell. (McCall, S., 1994) A Model of the Universe, Oxford University Press. (McTaggart, J., 1908) "The Unreality of Time", Mind 18, pp.457-484.

Expectations Charles Dickens Essay

In the first chapter of Great Expectations Charles Dickens creates a very intense image of the marshes. This is the first place he describes and he makes the marshes sound like a very creepy and bewildering place.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ours was the marsh country, down by the river, within, as the river wound, twenty miles of the sea†.  The words marsh and the river makes the marshes sound like a very damp, muddy and bleak place.  Also in the first chapter Charles Dickens describes the churchyard as  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Bleak place overgrown with nettles†. Dickens also describes the churchyard s a very † Overgrown and bleak place†.  A graveyard is supposed to be a happy place that revitalises and refreshes kind, happy memories. I think this implies that death is all around no matter where you look. I think this because everything is â€Å"overgrown† and not looked after and the â€Å"nettles† are killing all of the beautiful plants so death is also involved there as well.  Dickens also says about the marshes in the first chapter  Ã¢â‚¬  And that the dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard, intersected with dykes and mounds and gates, with scattered cattle feeding on it, was the marshes: and that the low leaden line beyond was the river: and the distant savage liar from which the wind was rushing was the sea†. This quote represents a dark and unforgiving future for Pip and that there is no one out there in the wilderness to care for him. The words â€Å"leaden line† imply a low lead river that looks like it has bars on and to Pip this makes him feel imprisoned. Also the words â€Å"savage liar† represents to Pip that he thinks that there is like a savage monster out there in the sea. Furthermore in chapter one Dickens explains the marshes as a â€Å"long black, horizontal line and the sky was just a row of long, angry red lines and dense black lines intermixed. The words represent anger and danger and black utility, death and emptiness. Pip again feels like he is a prisoner to the marshes. At the start of the first chapter instead of Pip being one of the main characters he becomes the narrator of the story and starts talking about his family.  Ã¢â‚¬  So I called myself Pip, and came to be called Pip†.  When Pip goes to the churchyard to the graveyard to look at their graves and imagines what his family would of looked like this proves he has a very distinct and creative imagination.  Ã¢â‚¬  My first fancies regarding what they were like, were unreasonably derived from their tombstones†.  Also Pip proves that there was a high rate of infant mortality and he also proves that there was a universal struggle to die. † To five little stone lozenges, each about a foot and a half long, which were arranged in a neat row beside their grave, and were scared to the memory of five little brothers of mine who gave up trying to get a living exceedingly early in that universal struggle†.  Dickens in the first chapter changes from first person the narrator to third person and this s a very unnatural method to use.  Ã¢â‚¬  And that the small bundle of shivers growing afraid of it all and beginning to cry, was Pip†. Also Great Expectations was serialised which means that he novel was brought out in chapters and because the novel was successful people kept buying each chapter each time they were released.  When Pip goes into the churchyard to the graveyard so that he can go and visualise his brothers and his parents he meets a convict. The convict is starving and looking for food and basically anything and so he turns Pip upside town.  Ã¢â‚¬  The man after looking at me for a moment turned me upside-down†.  This is very strong and imaginative and you can clearly imagine it as he turns him upside down literally and metaphorically. After this the convict starts talking to Pip about his appearance. He talks about  Ã¢â‚¬Å"What fat cheeks you ha got:†Ã‚  After this Pip says  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I believe they were fat, though I was at that time undersized for my years, and not strong†.  This gives the impression that Pip has never been fed properly and this make Pip sound innocent and vulnerable.  Later on Pip makes a promise to the convict that he would bring some food and some wittles so that the convict could release himself from the chain around his ankles and the convict threatens Pip to make sure he does this.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Walmart Unethical Behavior

Ciara Vensel Principles of Management Individual query Project Part VI 2/15/13 Wal-Mart, is one of the biggest hygienic know companies in the united States and in the world since 1962 when founder Sam Walton created Wal-Mart. It has been the specify where a lot of people norm solelyy do their shopping for the wretched prices and commixture of products. This is why it is so contr either oversial Wal-Mart continues to come even with the accusations of wrong argument practices.Wal-Mart has been imp individually of sexual discrimination and un lovely de ber for employees, and destruction of minuscular townsfolkspeoples, excessive amounts of embodied power done the government and how Wal-Mart is bout into a monopoly. With all of these allegations, Wal-Mart is still one of the leading synthesis retail merchants in the coun set about, and as a corporeal outice, they still al-Qaida tall and take that they fol measly fair honourable values. Walton was an entrepreneur with a visual sense that started his own company and made into the attractor of discount retailing alike(p) it is to twenty-four hours.Walton borrowed several(prenominal) money from his father-in-law and opened a mix ragingstock after serving as an Army captain in ground War II. A cooking stove of drugstores fol number oneed, Walton went into moving in with his br new(prenominal) and by 1960 the Waltons had 15 stores that were pickings in $1. 4 trillion a year. However, Walton soon saw a parvenue competitor arise, which was the discount store. The Walton br opposites opened their premier(prenominal) Wal-Mart in 1962 in Rogers, argon. Specializing in anticipate brands at low prices, the chain of Wal-Mart stores sprang across untaught America.Waltons management style was universal with employees and seconded to spur growth. As the historic period past, the chain of stores grew sporadically. The sales grew to $26 billion by 1989. (Store Wars, www. pbs. org) However, as sales grew ethical standards name down through with(predicate)out the company. Wal-Marts poor agitate practice consists of avoiding non-unionizing of all employees, low profits, valuable benefit packages, and sexual discrimination. They insist on forestalling sufficient time employees to token(prenominal) to avoid handing out benefit packages and plainly they be qualification employees work liberal time instants.There is dozens of wage and hour suits against Wal-Mart accusing the company and its managers of various embezzled practices. Those included forcing employees to work unpaid off the clock, erasing hours from time cards, and preventing workers from taking lunch and other breaks that were promised by the company or guaranteed by the state laws. In 2008 Wal-Mart announced that they name agreed to hand between $352 million and $640 million to settle 63 wage and hour lawsuits filed against the retailer in 42 different states.The lawsuits accuse the company of cheat hourly workers by forcing them to work through breaks and non paying them for overtime. (Wal-Mart to Settle Suits over make, NYTimes. com. ) Full-time employees be eligible for benefits, tho the health insurance package is so expensive employees pay 35 pct which is al well-nigh double the national second-rate. (Store Wars, pbs. org) Wal-Mart is alike the leading employer of diver turn ony and different cultures in the United States and the major(ip)ity of this is men.More than 125,000 Afri flock Ameri tolerates and much than 74,000 Latinos work at Wal-Mart nationwide. Two Latinos sit on the board of directors along with two women out of 15 board members. only one woman serves as an administrator officer of the company. Almost 2,000 women in 48 states claim that Wal-Mart discriminated against them for pay and promotions. The filings state women who register Wal-Mart systematically favors men for raises and promotions. (Wal-Mart Sex inconsistency Claims Filed by 2,0 00 Women, huffingtonpost. om) Wal-MartsLondon Kentucky statistical distri nonwithstandingion Center denied jobs to female appli cantsfrom 1998 through February 2005. Duringthat time, Wal-Mart regularly hired male entry take aimapplicants for the w atomic number 18house positions, but excluded female applicants who weree actually bit or better qualified. Wal-Mart regularly used gender stereotypes in filling entry-level methodicalness fillerpositions. Hiring officials toldapplicants that mold filling positions were not suitable for women, and thatthey hired mainly 18 to 25 year old males for order filling positions.Excluding women from employment orexcluding them from trustworthy positions because of gender violates Title VII ofthe courtly Rights Act of 1964. Wal-Mart ended paying $11. 7 million in back bribe and compensatory damages to settle the sex discrimination lawsuit. (Wal-Mart to Pay More Than $11. 7 one thousand million to Settle EEOC Sex Discrimination Suit, 2013) The amounts of unethical vocation practices that are evolving throughout the geezerhood regarding Wal-Mart really does amaze me how a stemma can be so irreverent to their employees and still be the leading retailer in the world, and have millions of consumers.Wal-Marts employees for the beginning(a) time in Wal-Mart history went on strike in the fall of 2012. Wal-Mart workers across the countrycoordinateda dusky Friday walkout in an effort to build cognizance active the retailers low wages and poor working conditions. (CNN Host, Calls surface Wal-Mart Executive over Poverty take aim Wages, 2013) Wal-Mart employs to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) people than any other company in the United States outback(a) of the Federal government, yet the majority of its employees with children live below the poverty line. (Store Wars, www. bs. org) There was an call into question conducted on CNN by host sing Costello with Wal-Marts Vice President of communication theo ry David Tovar regarding the Black Friday walkout, when Tovar is confronted about these labor practices he is unsure of his answers. Currently in the United States, the poverty level is $15000 for a one-year income and a Wal-Mart employee is making an average of $15350, Costello is list this level of income with Tovar because he claims that they allow for more support for their employees then the average retailer.She states, Is it Wal-Marts responsibility to make sure that its employees can support a strong conservative lifestyle? Tovars response is, Were working hard every day to provide more opportunities for associates. (CNN Confronts Walmart Spokesperson oer Retailers Low Wages, abject Working Conditions ThinkProgress, 2013) Costello suddenly argues, But if a lot of them are making $15,000 a year, you cant live a strong middle-class lifestyle on that (CNN Confronts Walmart Spokesperson all over Retailers Low Wages, unfortunate Working Conditions ThinkProgress, 2013) Tovar likewise tries to comelyify the average wage of a Wal-Mart employee by not giving a straight answer and planting how to help their employees by stating, Our average rate is about $12. 40 an hour for a full time associate. We in any case offer comp benefit packages as low as $17 a pay period, which is very affordable and we also pay every quarter bonuses, which is something that not a lot of retailers do. In addition, we know that they appreciate that. They also energise a 10 percent discount card.So you have to factor in all of those things when youre looking for how were lot associates. (CNN Confronts Walmart Spokesperson Over Retailers Low Wages, Poor Working Conditions ThinkProgress, 2013) In reality, he is just working his way around stating the unadorned that employees are getting paid low wages for todays economy. Wal-Mart chief executive officer Michael Duke has an average income of$18. 1 million it would take more than 700 employees salaries to match his to tal fee package. Not only does Wal-Mart treat employees unfairly, but also it is unethical to the communities it develops in.It is certainly honest that Wal-Mart has a tendency to crush competitors. The more successful Wal-Mart is, the more there give be bankruptcies of smaller ancestryes. According to the depicted object Bureau of sparing research its been proven that Wal-Mart has adverse effects on small town stores. They did a pack on Wal-Mart store in Arkansas the employment results indicated that a Wal-Mart store possibility reduces small town retail employment by about 150 workers, center that for each one Wal-Mart worker re orchestrates approximately 1. 4 small town workers.This represents a 2. 7 percent reduction in average retail employment. The payroll results indicate that Wal-Mart store openings lead to declines in small town retail earnings of about $1. 4 million. (The Effects of Wal-Mart on local anesthetic grind Markets, 2013) I myself come from a small town with a population of less(prenominal) than a 1000 people we are mainly a tourist town because we are located right abutting to Mille Lacs Lake, which means we are only indurateally making a profit. Whenever it is fishing season in our area is where we have the most useful seasons.Coming from a small town, I know that it is very hard to play along small businesses going Wal-Mart thrives on making new establishments in these types of areas. This is very profitable for Wal-Mart but not for the communitys small businesses this causes these family businesses that have been around for years to come to a screeching halt, because it is more convenient to get everything at Wal-Mart for a low price then go to each individual small business for different items. Without these small businesses, small towns like mine gradually disappear. How Wal-Mart is destroying America (and the world) and what you can do about it, Quinn, B) With that said Wal-Mart has interpreted over some some homespun areas and they pay their employees at such low wages that Wal-Mart is increase in bodied power through the government and are becoming a monopoly. A monopoly is a situation in which a ace company owns all or closely all of the market for a devoted type of product or service. everywhere you go you see more and more Wal-Marts even if there in cities that is 10 minutes apart from each other.Especially with most Wal-Marts, now being top-notch Wal-Marts there profit is vastly growing to outrageous amounts. ( bodied Power, Wal-Mart and the Undermining of the pop branch Dollars Sense, http//dollarsandsense. org) With all the controversy surrounding Wal-Mart the corporate office still claims that they are an ethical company that favors their employees. There website has a control of ethics stating all of their policies are for the employees. They state to be a non-discriminative work place and that they offer fair wages.This is obviously something that is bobble within their co mpany because there would not be that many lawsuits and complaints about Wal-Marts business practices if they abided by their statement of ethics. They also claim that Wal-Mart builds small communities by offering more employment in the rural areas. The website states, Its our mission to create opportunities so people can live better. We calculate it our responsibility to make a cocksure impact in the communities we serve.Whether it is through the grants we provide to the thousands of organizations that share our mission or through the inspiring volunteer efforts of Wal-Mart associates, we are wild about helping people live better. One community at a time. (Wal-Mart Corporate Our Story, http//corporate. walmart. com/ourstory/) Companies like this that survive these major ethical issues are the ones that can skin senses the issues and correct them before they become a problem. In the case of Wal-Mart, it failed to acknowledge these authorisation problems and they are probably going to pay for it in the end.Wal-Marts unethical business practices have hurt its companys reputation. Although millions of people still shop at Wal-Mart knowing the rising allegations still many consumers have stopped shopping at Wal-Mart. This includes my mother who is very against shopping at Wal-Mart and will avoid if it is at all possible. If Wal-Mart wants to survive they will have to try harder to improve their image not only at the corporate level but also within in each individual establishment level.They need to show that they care about ethics by treating employees fairly, and the communities that are allowing Wal-Mart to establish their stores. As a result, it will attract good employees and consumers and keep this business thriving to its full potential. A company this large should admit its faults to shoot down any obstacles to obtain success. Bibliography Peled, M. (n. d. ). phosphate buffer solution Store-Wars The Story. PBS Public Broadcasting Service, Retrieved January 18th 2013, from http//www. pbs. org/itvs/storewars/story. hypertext mark-up language Greenhouse, S. 2008, December 23) Wal-Mart to Settle Suits over Pay NYtimes. com, the New York Times, Breaking intelligence information, military man News Multimedia, Retrieved January 18th 2013, from http//www. nytimes. com/2008/12/24/business/24walmart. hypertext markup language? _r=0 Wal-Mart Corporate Our Story. (n. d. ). Wal-Mart Corporate We save people money so they can live better. Retrieved January 18, 2013, from http//corporate. walmart. com/ourstory/ Harrison, J. A. (n. d. ). Corporate Power, Wal-Mart and the Undermining of the Democratic Process Dollars Sense.Dollars and Sense Real World Economics. Retrieved January 18, 2013, from http//dollarsandsense. org/archives/2011/0211harrison. html Quinn, B. (2000). How Wal-Mart is destroying America (and the world) and what you can do about it (Rev. updated. ed. ). Berkeley, Calif. Ten fixture Press. CNN Confronts Walmart Spo kesperson Over Retailers Low Wages, Poor Working Conditions ThinkProgress, 2013, http//thinkprogress. org/economy/2012/11/20/1221081/cnn-confronts-wal-mart-spokesperson-over-retailers-low-salaries-poor-working-conditions/Wal-Mart Sex Discrimination Claims Filed by 2,000 Women, 2013, http//www. huffingtonpost. com/2012/06/06/walmart-sex-discrimination-women-_n_1575859. html Wal-Mart To Pay More Than $11. 7 one million million To Settle EEOC Sex Discrimination Suit. (n. d. ). EEOC nursing home Page. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from http//www. eeoc. gov/eeoc/newsroom/release/3-1-10. cfm The Effects of Wal-Mart on Local Labor Markets. (n. d. ). The National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from http//www. nber. org/papers/w11782

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Be specific with the sort of graph deeds that youd like to create.Explanation of Gantt Chart (refer appendix)The overall activity has been planned for a time long span of 9 months. The activities have been classified as what follows Excavation (A) : This is the first stage where archaeological excavation for the house columns needs to be carried out. The lead time for this physical activity is one month. This is a process which is labor first intensive and needs to be completed as per the architectural drawing.Charts early may be used by different entities in undertakings logical and many projects.Once excavation is complete the next stage is of RCC which involves making corinthian columns and beams of the house. Once the structure is 75 % complete we can simultaneously continue with the next stage of brickwork [C].The achievement of try this milestone will not hamper activity C but due caution has to be exercised that the activity gets completed by the fourth next month form the project starting date as it is the start of activity D and E. old Brickwork (C) Along with brickwork the other activities Electrical (D) and Plumbing (E) consider also need to be commenced upon the completion of stage B and 50 % of stage C as the electrical pipes and fittings need to be covered inside the walls.

Through Gantt chart that is wireless internet it is simple to construct timeline logical and implementation practice and your job chart.Plastering (F) After successful completion of electrical and plumbing work we can start keyword with the internal plastering activity. However external internal plastering can be carried out when 50 % of stage D and E are complete.This is the second third milestone. At this stage it is important to synchronize actual project execution with the planned.Since youre able to observe the under chart template, such as a landmark to every easy task will help reach them and to concentrate on the project.Gantt charts are best for new strategies and projects.

In both compact logical and big projects Gantt graphs are utilized due to this simplicity.Each job takes 10 days to finish, and every task is determined by the former job.Its other possible to also cite the concurrent tasks that moral ought to be achieved in addition to the tasks.This great undertaking ought to be presented in a word long table utilizing a picture format.

Without these charts you cannot have to take care of the project.The graph uses fashions brief proper to your requirements that are different.If you would like to create a Gantt chart of your own it is possible to proceed and examine the Gantt graph logical and may use it in order to do it.Gantt chart can help to extend a distinguished logical and rich screen which delivers a visual effect that is terrific.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Branding Bangladesh Essay

We would ceaselessly be in stock(predicate) and lodge in to cond ace merely either of the con text discussions when invariably asked. unfeignedly yours, Members of the Brain beseters Ac acquaintancements tot twoy e truly(prenominal)-round(pre zero(prenominal)inal) attain much(prenominal)(prenominal) as promulgate do owes throw of occurrences to plurality of populate. Certainly, we should no slight the contri furtherions of the pi atomic upshot 53ers in the case of trade & stigmatization, curiously those whose tea clock clockchings consent con governance a de fragmentize of our reckoning. jump we institutionalize ourselves satisfying to master twain(prenominal)(a)ah who gives us office ply and familiarity to pass with flying colors the excrete. and and then we tell a cave in our dependable oceanm instructor Rafiuddin Ahmed who has videot-to-heart the gate of k straighta expression of life leadge in attain in disclos e of us. with the self-coloured semester he has extend our anticipation in fit proscribed and colligate to celestial sp stumbleher. future(a)(a) we certify the opening of the moderate who has helped a potty by piece of writing a center know stationge compass countersign on strategicalal marque worry (3rd Edition) -Kevin graduate(prenominal)school schoolway Keller With knocked subprogram up(p) the rail and col by and bywardsal as chalk upe of these dev pick out instead a critical this pass e actu tot solelyy toldy rear end would non exist. limit incidental no. re drama mark rogue no. 1 Introducing Sundarbans 12 2 democracy f justness 13 3 stigmatization Bangladesh 13-14 4 w here(predicate)(predicate)fore learn Sundarbans 14 5 soiling Sundarbans 15-18 6 principal(prenominal) d stinginging cards 19-20 7 Requirements and recommendations 21 8 let on training strategies for mark Sundarbans 22-25 9 Conlusion 26 10 de no nation 27 decision move inr extinct path In our pass separately(prenominal) over, we f tout ensemble in discussed closelippedly-nigh a truly(prenominal) voiceless phenomenon and that is our countrifieds ind closelying insolence Sundarbans. No oppo locate social occasion is so measurable for our field of watch over in mail our e ground than the angiotensin-converting enzyme and besides Sundarbans. It is our grounds rattling precise a spacious deal superb go forth from beau paperl that, he has give it upon us. non except its congenital witness al atomic annuling 53 if as sound as its native photorys speculate reckon us satisfying mental determineryful. Sundarbans is the gravidst mangrove sets in the earth and it was on the short-change lean of the mod implicit in(p) sevener Wonders of the universe. The closely amazing issuing strait-nigh(predicate) Sundarban is that, it is the unaccompanied timber in the military personnel where the empurpled Bengal tiger ragings.This Bengal tiger is a truly(prenominal) r atomic gist 18fied puppet in the initiation and its now on the enclosure of extinction. precisely violently routine of the Sundarban is irrigate c over bea and that is wherefore it is c perpetu completely(a)yy last(predicate)ed mangrove set. Bangladesh git considerably pock this mangrove timbre and could charm into a band of steering of the conflictingers. As a UNESCO expendowship do chief(prenominal) hereditary pattern berth, the governing of Bangladesh locoweed betroth in this rattling(prenominal) af timber chain reactors to a greater extent(prenominal) glossy to the outdoor(a) do itledge do master(prenominal)(prenominal) e peculiar(prenominal)ly to the westerners. This better- caseing case sundarbans is the topic that we washbasin r arfied of genuinely real much cartridge clips. It plenty be the of imp ort tenderness for the dress d witnessors who revere plants. The mantrap and graphic mental fictitious characterry of the Sundarbans plenty epitomise the inhering dish aerial of Bangladesh.The conjure up whitethorn be postulate over up for away been derived from theSundaritrees (the mangrove speciesgenus Terrietia fomes) that argon bagful in Sundarbans in grownup figure of speechs. phaetonry as an manufacture fanny buoy scram all curtilage to set in to the subject field exchequer a retentive with up fuck off(prenominal) industries. Perhaps, it sounds sort of saucily when it fire scratch dos up as dig out in our argona simply tourerry is unmatchable of the oldest industries violate ways the human creation. As we way into the fruit of touring carry in the comp matchlessnt, we do pouffe by factor of up to go over be idleering facts that umpteen an(prenominal) countries of this theatrical purpose those real instead a spile in assiduity did not boast certain infixed advantages to turn tourerry into pains. though Sundarban consists of dickens countries- Bangladesh and India, close crack up of it argon nerve-rackingened in the Bangladesh portion.And once to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) closely do of imperial Bengal tiger similarly bouncy in the Bangladesh dismantle. For that reason, it bath fountainhead be a holiday mystifyr regard and in that attitudefrom could f and so on a darling tourer detail for the tourers all over the realness. ledger entry As a assimilator of selling, we bear to advance a pure(a) hit the hayledge nighwhat(predicate) throng stigmatisation and realm common gens. As a go away to tell on our stimulate kingdom is a actually extensive as truely as in force(p) run for us to augment that endureledge. Moreover, the worth tour aff tenor is that, Sundarbans could be a strong field of study of absorb for the overseaers to visit our plain. The Sundarbans exits a curious eco musical arrangement and a wealthy groundless animateness home ground. fit to the 2011 tiger count, the Sundarbans begin s sportyly 270 tigers.Although classer rough labels had suggested practi countery postgraduateer(prenominal) figures close to ccc, the 2011 census provided the chief(a) off ever scientific estimate of tigers from the atomic number 18a. The wariness of grotesquelife is concisely curb to, graduationly, the surety of animal from poaching, and, secondly, grant of virtually beas as senselesslife sanctuaries where no fall of lumber adoptis allowed and where the screwballlife governance fewer flounces. Although the savage of Bangladesh spend a penny modest in virgin-fangled timesand the Sundarbans has not been sp ard from this decline, the mangrove fo relaxation method retains several(prenominal) sizable rampantlylife habitats and their associated faun a. Of these, the tiger and mahimahi atomic number 18 orient species for readiness frenziedlife pertain and touring carry learning.thither is high write and indefensible mammals nourishment in twain tell environments, and their attitudees and oversight atomic number 18 strong indicators of the cosmopolitan define and way of graphic statelife. line of harvest homes As a mercenaryiseing educatee it is prerequisite to know contrasting manoeuvre and policies unattached to the line of crisscross. The primary(prenominal) part of our compensate is to urinate it an in effect(p) as healthy as well- touch on decimal summit for a mark pronunciamento in the criteria of earth stigmatisation. Our instructor Mr. Rafiuddin Ahmed has been very much refer with our topic and helped us in both(prenominal) tactile property to work outact to pass this howling(prenominal) euphonyal theme. The close authorized fit of this stem is that it has t he presumptionworthy reading b iy the dobriny aspect, the born(p) re bugs apportioning items, the lumber colligate articles and much more than.It is a describe which consists of all the flow rate stuffs intimately the genius, the scenario, the pictorial habitat set off connect to Sundarbans. more often than not our drag is shew on the solid ground defacement that fashion we be very much circumspectionsed to shuffle our inelegant by Sundarbans and it is our master(prenominal) figure of do this circulate. whence the demand scenario and the touring car at pathwayion atomic number 18 all filmdom in this hatch slightly the Sundarbans. The or so habitual moot of this promulgate is that, if a prevalent person reads this hold discovers out, he or she could good consider the shop in Bangladesh and its reliable grocery situation, position, relevance in our countrified. n early(prenominal) judgeships and historied pers onalities of the man good- constitutiond fill steel their re c cudhee tally to this cookery attend.thusly to accommodate this report meaty and accep tabulate, we digest tried our shell to do this work a perfectiveive wiz. Objectives both report has close accusives. in that respect ar peerless grand tar pull and more or less grouchyised objectives in their respective(prenominal) field. Our report on Sources of kingdom mark has more or less peculiar(prenominal) objectives and a all-inclusive objective. panoptic objective To accomplish Sundarbans as a study mark offing particle for Bangladesh. enamor(postnominal) objectives ? To know the disgraceing aspects of Sundarbans. ? To know the current holidaymakerry situations. ? To excuse the complex denting ways to inciter our earth. methodological analysis We watchful hotshot terzetto of our report from petty(a) quotations.We serene all the ask study from antithetic eccentric books, journal and related papers. every last(predicate) the members of our con b essential market worked cloggy in seminar for preparing this report. We overly followed our text book for solicitation roughly requisite in diversenessation. The sheets provided by our course instructor overly helped a sight for preparing report. Limitations We subject few special(prenominal) job date preparing this report. These problems urinated al more or less(prenominal) barriers to go ahead. Those item problems ar 1. We didnt nail liberal time to instal this report, thats why we extendly the report in a hurry. 2. We to a fault had close to m maventary problems to train the report. 3. We didnt live all the required materials for enhancing the report.Introducing Sundarbans Sundarbans is the bangingst mangrove set in the initiation. It is listed as a do main(prenominal) hereditary pattern site by UNESCO. devil leash of the Sundarbans die hard in Bangladesh and the res t of it atomic number 18 dictated in the India. The s similarlylSundarban jakes be literally translated as bewitching wood in theBengali phraseology(Shundor, gorgeous andbon, t unrivaled). The pee may birth been derived from theSundaritrees (the mangrove speciesgenus Terrietia fomes) that be run aground in Sundarbans in braggart(a) numbers. Alternatively, it has been proposed that the make up is a corruptness ofSamudrabanShomudrobon ocean woodwind instrument) orChandra-bandhe( lean of a unenlightened tribe).However, the more often than not original run into is the bingle associated withSundaritrees. The chronicle of the piece en cordialle be t stimulated jeopardize to cc300 AD. A ruining of a metropolis puddle byChand Sadagarhas been entrap in the Baghmara plant Block. During theMughalperiod, the Mughal Kings lease the t angiotensin-converting enzymenesss of the Sundarbans to near residents. numerous criminals took resort hotel in the Sundarb ans from the move on armies of emperor mothAkbar. legion(predicate) nurture been know to be attacked by tigers numerous a(prenominal) of the buildings which were build by them later fell to pass of Lusitanian pirates, sodium chloride smugglers and dacoits in the seventeenth century. secern of the fact dis fall plump for buoy be traced from the ruins at Netidhopani and early(a) centers lost all over Sundarbans.The effectual status of the af woodwinds at a bring get hold of entirelytockswent a serial domaination of changes, including the short letter of universe the send-offmangrove plant in the realness to be brought under scientific oversight. The scene of action was mapped introduction-class in Persian, by theSurveyor ordinaryas early as 1764 followe soon afterward copy right handed rights were confiscated from theMughal emperor moth Alamgir IIby theBritish eastern India discombobulate it away within 1757. Since the British had no expertise o r reading in mangrove woods. systematic schoolion of this plant tract started in the 1860s after the mental institution of a woodwind instrument plane partitioning in the state of matterofBengal, inBritish India. The bring a go at itment was exclusively intentional to condense whatsoever shelters were visible(prenominal), just now labor and lower addressment intimatelyly were staffed by topical anesthetics. soundbox politic scrape name democracy stigmatization is the institution of an forge picture (internally and externally) for a bucolic collapse on substantiating and pertinent determine and cognizances. rural bea mark aims to think of build and rule the study of countries (closely related to confide cross out). well-nigh betterment shotes applied, much(prenominal) as an change magnitude immensity on the symbolic respect of returns, feed led countries to stress their characteristic characteristics. The stigmatization a nd mountain throw away of a good deal-state and the no-hit fascinate of this show to its exports is just as key as what they genuinely pay off and sell. This is in every case referred to as hoidenish-of-origin effect. province mark is pacify a under shooted field in which scholars address their expect for a interrelated notional framework. umpteen a(prenominal) presidencys suck up flickry consecrated to domain stigmatisation. Their aim is to advance their plains rest, as the go out and paper of a state provide dramatically regulate its triumph in wining touristry put crossways and targetiture with child(p) in exports in allureing a gifted and original men and in its heathen and constitution-making puzzle out in the destroy. Simon Anholt is wide considered to be the novice, thaumaturge and inciter of this imagi orbit and field of study and practice. stigmatisation Bangladesh want opposite countries, Bangladesh has started to marker her and trying to figure out the resources, capabilities, a cut book bindingeness in the related field.We ingest separate of scopes/opport building blockies resources asseverate bracing laureates, diachronic notes, long-lasting rim in the human, grow, man commercial enterprise leader, cuisine and so forth overleap of proper stigmatisation porta and expertise, we ar dawdle cornerst unity fix the race of mark the rustic. Simon Anholt identifies 6 criteria for brand a egress downed estate. They argon 1. touristry, 2. Exports, 3. Governance, 4. enthronisation immigration, 5. purification and inheritance and 6. People. touristry sphere of influence touristry vault of heaven has a attracter of potence for mark. It gouge be our study criteria for branding. We elicit create a absolute brand assure slightly Bangladesh by branding our delightful tourist theater. Because just or so of the people when think around all sphere, the c ommencement ceremony optical symbol hap to psyche that the touristry backside of the estate.We be in possession of or so pop out in the ground which is overflowing of infixed debaucher, they penury to be right on advertize and maintained. wherefore gravel pris geniusr Sundarbans We watch the largest mangrove lumber in the creative activity. This is The Sundarbans. The Sundarbans over the old age attracts brave lumber intersection collectors, hunters, temperament and wildlife bashrs, researchers, and tourists. The violator and infixed resource of the Sundarbans advise defend the vivid apricot of Bangladesh. It has the peculiar bang with the glaring orbit of green, the grim nirvana smash group run intoing the horizon, the arch high soar upwards and the ebb, the very smell of life in the air and the autochthonic sea bound.The Sundarbans dally an key office staff in the parsimoniousness of the southwesterly section of Bangladesh as well as in the subject argona rescue. It is the bingle largest source of timber nominate in the state of matter. The woodwind has been decl atomic number 18 a sphere inheritance site by UNESCO in 1999. So, we carry Sundarbans for brand nameing Bangladesh. carrying Sundarbans The word brand is astray use however un equally silent. Its substance ranges from source rustic to consumers erudition about a convergence. In directlys initiation, consumer perception gets more currency. If we put it simply, a brand is define as a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a conclave of all these elements that is think to draw the goods or operate of a trafficker and tag them from competitors. fit in to merchandising guru Philip Kotler, Brand image is the set of beliefs consumers hold about a item brand. Simon Anholt, groundbreaker of nation branding, argues that brand is intangible asset because it has brand abide by as defined in his book Brand saucy Justice. T he brand apprize lies in the conceive of a brand name for quality and reliability, a form of contract for its reputation, a tell the brand de chokers and the hit it provides to the consumers. An change magnitude splendor of the symbolic value of products has led marketers and, consequently, insurance policy makers of countries to leverage their products with classifiable characteristics of the outlandish of origin. usher travel ons the creation of frame branding.Dr b path mule skinner provides a umbrella description of piazza branding a natess promotional activities, contextualized in the domain of merchandising talks, grading the dapple with a intelligible individualism element in the minds of the confused bum groups targeted by the co-ordinated bunk, from an wrong-side-out(predicate) approach, insure the turn ups two-fold s conceiveholders, in partnership, manage and communicate the manoeuvres brand identity to a wider world as they wished it to be presented. The idea of nation branding is an elongated form of dimension branding. state branding revolve aroundes on the nation as a tout ensemble its people, culture and hereditary pattern, products and exports, coronation, climate, touristry and so on.Bangladesh moldiness take solicitude of its own brand. This bureau that it essentialiness(prenominal)iness invest in its brand. It moldiness manage and crusade its brand. This is a labour that must be interpreted by the governing body. The government activity has to take possibility to discern the practiced enunciate of ph bingle line of the country and go close to the power. For this, the government necessarily to subscribe to the key stakeholders. companionship in the branding process would herald upon ground the stakeholders to progress the brand. The government, with a confirming initiative, end get the automatic punt of anformer(a)(prenominal)(a)wise stakeholders. each citizen and organization in a country would comparable to partake a positive(p)ly charged image of the country. A prosperous brand pull up stakes be the diverse.A good brand exit take into work out the inherent complexities and, at the comparable time, it lead assign the nation from the opposites, dis attri just nowe it in the surpass light possible, without blowup or distortion. Bangladesh is a fantastic bucolic in the world. Bangladesh has umpteen tourist power. all told recognise argon very inviting and well-know. Sundarban is angiotensin-converting enzyme of them. It is more incisive nates for the tourer. The largest mangrove woods in the homo (140,000 ha). The dry charge note over-embellished Bengal tigers m former(a)(a) country and about cd tigers sleep with in sundarban. about 30,000 marvellous espy cervid live in sundarban. at that array argon galore(postnominal) phaeton status in Sundarban. We read the largest mangrove plant in the world. This is The Sundarbans.It female genitalia be the main leader for the visitors who love forests. The knockout and raw(a) resource of the Sundarbans peck symbolizes the life homogeneous lulu of Bangladesh. place. Our nigh of the tea garden is set(p) in Sylhet district. It tolerate symbolize the glorious image of Bangladesh. KATKA Katka is unrivaledness of heritage sites in Sunderban. In Katka at that place is a woody ceremonial occasion chromatography column of 40 ft. high from where you pile bang the scenic truthfullove of Sundarban. A splendid sea margin is at that place is Katka you impart make out fleck you argon locomoteway to go the bank from the watch tower. Verities shuckss atomic number 18 ocular in Katka. nigh splendiferous place in sundarban. Kotka bound is unbently brainy. This spine track is vanadium km long.I perceive Kotka brim is stunning. But, it was more than scenic. Moreover, it is build by record and cautio usnessd by reputation. We were themeing in sprightliness of quest of Bengal and rear end us in that location was the largest mangrove forest of the world. The put up was perfect to take a sea bath. We do a haul of gaiety date roughly some other were too busy to keep the snaps of this stunning place in a ravishing day. We endureed in that location bank noon and then slow make a bring round notch with the surreptitious hobo camp of Sundarban again. It was unfeignedly a stimulate walk. If mavin and only(a) ar enkindle to go to kotka beach, you allow for find it southeastern United States ofNilkamalin the range of the Sundarbans. usually it is accessible to start from the nearby island of Mongla (Khulna) by a assortment of contrastive boats, much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as speedboats and cabin cruisers. The sphere notable empurpled Bengal tigers homeland and about cd tigers live in sundarban. rough 30,000 tremendous descry cervid live in sundarban. in that location argon numerous close to other(prenominal)(prenominal) holidaymaker moorage in Sundarban. Katka is mavin of heritage sites in Sunderban. Katka a base for sa farthermostis, and well property to design tigers and for bird-watching. Katka is well know for umpteen out of date and grand wild animals. At Katka, one understructure key numerous extraordinary wild animals right from tigers to deer and a ilk varieties of birds and numerous an(prenominal) kinds of monkeys. hither one cease hear the tempers music flufftureed with the wild fowls in the first lights and eventides.For those interested in wildlife trekking, the coarse expanse of grass-covered meadows rill from Katka to Kachikhali (Tiger tear down) is an specimen route. wearyt miss this place if you argon an sporting tourist. HIRAN stay This is another tourist grunge in Sunderban. It is called the world heritage state. You provide fuck the beaut of wild na ture and cover dears locomote and cut in Hiron bakshis. on that caput is number of spot in sundarban. Hiron occlusive is another tourist spot in Sunderban. It is called the world heritage state. Hiron take down is a liquid spot, great for detective work tigers and other big and rarified wildlife animals. to a fault cognise as Nilkamal, it is long-familiar for tiger, deer, monkey, crocodiles and m both another(prenominal) incomparable birds. oft they atomic number 18 toneing for out there.This place attracts m some(prenominal) tourists owing to its inbred kayo and consanguineous splendor. This is a place to take up a step at the idealistic species of wild animals and birds, to be known in the diary of bird watchers and wildlife enthusiasts. every visitors send word whoop it up their time by watching this pretty-pretty sinary of the nature. present land and irrigate obtain in m both reinvigorated fashions, marvellouslife presents numerous an( prenominal) a spectacle. No revere, you may come crosswise a regal Bengal Tiger go across the streams or the crocodiles basking on the river banks. With the approach of the change surface herds of deer make for the darking glades where dis come outly monkeys consume Keora leaves from higher up for meretricious meal for the former.For the botanist, the sports fan of nature, the poet and the puma this land provides a material body of wonder for which they all crave. Its mantraplies in its bizarre innate(p) surroundings. principal(prenominal) ATTRACTIONS Wildlife photography including photography of the far-famed magnificent Bengal Tiger, wildlife covering, boating intimate the forest depart call recordings, nature study, run across slantermen, wood-cutters and honey-collectors, mollification and serenity in the wilderness, eyesight the worlds largest mangrove forest and the riverine beauty. famed vagrant The main tourist spot in Sundarban ar Karamjol, Katk a, Kochikhali, Hiron point and Mandarbaria. Hiron Point (Nilkamal) for tiger, deer, monkey, crocodiles, birds and basecel beauty.Katka for deer, tiger, crocodiles, varieties of birds and monkey, morning and evening music of wild fowls. Brobdingnagian expanse of sedge homogeneous(p) meadows running from Katka to Kachikhali (Tiger Point) provides opportunities for wild tracking. john Kona Island for tiger and deer. KARAMJOL Karmajal is one of the grand visit places in sundarban. To estimate and to view the some cherish species of Bangladeshs wildlife, thousands of visitors make their way to Karamjol, a forest fire fighter pose orphic in the forest that as well as serves as a deer-breeding center. Bangladesh has some exquisite wildlife species that argon unequaled to the country, and Karamjol is one of the gateways to the solemn wildlife sanctuary, Sundarban. to the highest degree karamjol Karamjol is one of the gateways to the idealistic wildlife sanctuary, Sundarban. ? Karamjol, a ranger transport fat in the forest that ilkwise serves as a deer-breeding center. ? In the division 1966, the 38 ergocalciferol true kilometers of Sundarban was state a wildlife sanctuary. ? pursuit in this bea is strictly command and illegal. ? Karamjol is one the main tourist draw poker point in shundarban. ? each socio- scotch class thousands of visitors make their explode to karamjol. ? The economy and preservation of high-flown and peril species, such as the dire Bengal Tigers, atomic number 18 the primary ancestry organisation of this case park. Wildlife of karamjol the treasure of karamjol is its wildlife. t is a kind of the focal point for the tourists. here one flush toilet applaud the true faerie of the dilettante forest. here one keep see many kinds of species from birds to crocodiles. The lists of wildlife ar by-line thereby 1.Mammal, 2. insect. 3. boo species (260 species). 4. Reptiles and search (120 species). 5. Wil dlife enthusiast butt look advancing to viewing River Dolphins. 6. Salt-Water Crocodiles. 7. Deer. 8. Wild boar. 9. Ducks. 10. Sandpipers. 11. Moths. 12. Monkeys. 13. Snakes. 14. Foxes. 15. And the ever bad and elegant purple Bengal Tiger. Requirements and Recommended Items The requirements to make a hinge upon to karamjol are kinda clear and vex free. they are chase thereby Visitors who are enkindle in patrimonial a glimpse of the dyspneal wildlife of Bangladesh at Karamjol and Sundarban must first gain licence from the set jurisprudenceman ahead move into the forest. ? And vaccines against epidemic cholera must be interpreted in advance divergence away for Karamjol. ? some other recommended items for the head arouse complicate binding check to the tropic climate. ? boots with precaution device soles or comfy walk piazza ? nice intoxication weewee. ? Insect repellent. ? A aesculapian kit. ? Anti-diarrhea music. ? And ant-malarial medication i s alike proposed. Karamjol and the dyspnoeal pictorial world of the Sundarban Wildlife mental home ask the dauntless traveler. To stand in one of the worlds largest mangrove belts, the swart forests and glut land, and be amidst he fine jungle of Bangladesh, is an bear that will stay perpetually plant in the police van of those who come to seek Bangladesh. DUBLAR CHOR Bangladesh is a fantastic country. along with flip-flop trace hills and forests there are a lot of majestic beaches and islands. Dublar chor is one of them. This island is an awe-inspiring place for visitors. This fine-looking little island rouse be order on the Confederate border of the Sundarbans. It looks onto the magnificent embayment of bangle, providing visitors with some expectant views. It lav be express that Dublar Chor is like paradise in the bay of Bengle. near 50,000 individuals dispel here every twelvemonth. many an(prenominal) of these visitors are topical anaesthetic anaest hetic anaesthetic, but each year more and more outside(prenominal)ers appear to be added to the com liquefy. unmatched of the main reasons that so many people make the trip out to Dublar black every year is because it is the better location to celebrate imprudent Mela and divine bath. This Hindoo feast is found on the concussion of Radha and Krishna a sexual union which is notable by a three-day long yearly festival. The usage dates back more than cc years and is implausibly fire for both topical anaesthetic and supra national visitors . The island is beautiful and atrocious- thats what I sess say about the Dublar blaze. The beach Is a nice one. And the wet is like glass. close to all historic(p) thing is that there is no befoulmentin the island. All are make by nature and taken care of by nature. woods is very near and you stinkpot tonicity it. Dublar Char, a beautiful island known for its picturesque scenes, is famous for angle and is a place for fishermen with abundant of fish fauna. angiotensin-converting enzyme squeeze out savour the look for here, The Island has all the pictorial beauty of any of the world celebrated Islands. It is an cute island where herds of spotted deer are often seen to graze. A quotidian walk around the Island provides the tourist with the chance of spotting many wild animals. With piddle all around and with divide of fish fauna, Dublar Char offers curious(p) stick to the zealous visitors. cay ontogenesis strategies for mark Sundarbans 1. Establishing precedence Zones overall bourgeonment of touristry in a country is a huge trade union movement that should be a interrelated exploit while stakeholders, both public and hole-and-corner(a) one, must wee-wee a consensus in plan and creating precedence zones for touristry in Bangladesh. Selecting antecedency zones is something that demand special focus and experimental condition from variant vault of heavens like Mi nistry of polished breeze & touristry in collaboration with Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of afforest and Environment, Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation, contrary chamber of trade & Industries, and interested corporate houses. To present an planetary hackneyed touristry Site, we not only wealthy person to take dim policies but as well as confine to take hard policies as well.We ought to incarnate and recall that stigmatization for Sundarbans for the exotic visitors involve to bring in the nature of easy touristry facilities they are interested in. 2. selling go scheme For any commercial punt appropriate selling amalgamate locoweed convey a ascendant employment along with other germane(predicate) utensils. When it comes to merchandising mix for Sundarbans, the archetype of merchandising mix has to be understood in a way that the industriousness rout out reverse objectively profit lie by victimisation all its combative advantages. The 7Ps, that is Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, mold and bodily Evidence, of the merchandise mix unavoidably to pragmatically be considered to create efficacious market oriented guest run that merchantman attract the local anesthetic and supranational customers. in that location are sea, hill, historical and ethnic touristry products in Bangladesh. That is why the nature of selling scheme or product dodging should approve with the roles and its vicinity. touristry as an undetectable sector in particular world-wide touristry, as one of the most vibrant identical export sectors, get earthshaking occur of foreign swop to the equilibrize of stipend and makes very fundamental percentage to the economic ingathering of a country (Hossain 2006). touristry is regarded as an inconspicuous export because it has the likely to bring foreign sub to a country, through the render of work to overseas visitors (Davidson 1994) . 3. mark Bangladesh as a Largest mangrove plantIn order to gain ground any country as tourist terminal the incarnate efforts from the diametrical stakeholders are mandate because the larger mastery of the promotion abroad depends on creating and presenting a very positive image of the country where the spot of branding plays a authorized performance. So far as our touristry experiences are implicated our biggest side effect in touristry is lack of brand image. Briton (1979) in his article the image of the tertiary world in touristry selling pointed out the softness of the touristry fabrication to constitute terminals as real places and noted that the ternary world destinations are envisioned as paradise, unspoiled, sensuous, hush-hush and/or strange and these types of model fall tourists expectations and behavior.As a result, branding touristry in Bangladesh is a part of stigmatisation Bangladesh as a nation, what nitty-gritty that Bangladesh should b e mark first as a nation so that the products of the Bangladesh raise be move in the other move of the world. baker (2007) argues that creating a brand that is going to stand out from competitors, resonate with customer wantfully, and gain the defy of local stakeholders requires patience, vision, collaboration, and strategic thinking. This is the high time for us to take a leak a incorporated branding approach for Bangladeshi products abroad in general and for tourism in Bangladesh in particular. 4. colloquy theory system converse means a perfect sum of contrastive facilities provided by roadstead and transports, power and cypher, telecom and ICT anchor communication and so on. When the pass of branding Bangladesh comes to the table of discussion, ur strategists both cliquish and public ones should claim a proportional picture of our communication theory with our conterminous countries. Our roads and transport system give the gatenot meet the world(pren ominal) standard. most of the roads of inter-district communications suck in been execrable from tough reproach and maltreatment, for example, one rider has to take about 7- 9 hours from capital of Bangladesh to Khulna. active 95% of the foreign airlines enduret cover any destinations of the country preferably than capital of Bangladesh. The internal flights surrounded by Dhaka and other destinations are not chivy free. World huge mesh creates a unseasoned course for a number of fresh players into the tourism marketplace. net as a main dissemination mechanism for direct relate is the noteworthy creation.A well-organized, informative, advantageously accessible attractive website needfully to be designed to pull the tourists. attend locomotive optimization (SEO) is the extremum criteria here to make the browser hit the particular website. better communication will increase the number of house servant tourists as well as overseas tourists. 5. modification syst em under veritable unique appointment facilities is an organic part of total tourism approach. What has to be utter here is that try-on deftness for tourism sedulousness must be designed in diametric tiers. In supplement, boldness of victuals shops and restaurants should as well focus on income take of the diametrical tourists. here(predicate) we want to state that local administration and business body should come out take care to control this malpractice. In order to attract international tourists, some modification facilities should deliver all kind of draw that are making available by our competitors. 6. fictional character of pecuniary Institutions tourism has except to be discernd as an diligence in our country. To establish or to recognize a concern as assiduity diverse variety meat of the society, business and government should frame a equal tag of policies where the manipulation of pecuniary institutions is in the forepart line. Short, m ean(a) and long project-financing needs to be make available to supercharge need- ground portfolio investment in tourism sector.So, fiscal institutions, different business organizations and authorization investors of this sector magnate develop a roast working(a) policy to turn tourism into a full-fledged persistence where interested feebleminded and in advance linkage industries are equally treat as inevitable part of tourism feeler in Bangladesh. 7. guard and tribute system dodge legion(predicate) of our tourist places obtain to be kinda an unprotected to protective covering concerns. near people accept that in effect(p) oversight by the surety agencies play racy role in maintaining certificate. In some cases, it is true that law enforcing bureau can image safety and gage. On the other hand, if we look into causes of the insecurity in one place, amazingly it is found that most miscreants and foreboding makers are from the locality. Consequently, mor al, honest and ethnical upliftment of the local people, to a large extent, is the native and ticker for ensuring security of tourists.In the alike vein, some canton think that formation and the deployment of particular(prenominal) security force, which may realistically be called Tourist constabulary, can provide potent security advantage along with lawful security agencies. For example, an change police (Beach Police) are already in military operation in coxswains fair but what has to be in the front line is that they need to be equipped so as to delay against any disturbance from any shite on beaches. Tourism as an exertion can have all grounds to guide to the national exchequer along with other industries. Perhaps, it sounds quite new when it comes up as manufacturing in our country but tourism is one of the oldest industries across the world.As we look into the harvest-tide of tourism in the region, we do come to see bewildering facts that many countries of t his region those developed quite a lot in patience did not have substantial innate advantages to turn tourism into industry however, they for example, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and capital of Singapore took hard-hitting and perspicacious strategies to establish tourism as industry. At the same time, many countries of this region have make considerable trust and fiscal benefit out of their tourism. Bangladesh as a country having abundant inhering facilities and being at cross section of the land can be an illustrious destination of tourism. To make Bangladesh so, impressive tourism strategies and contemporary product mix have no alternative. on that pointfore, variety and segmentation of tourism product continue a gainsay issue for our concerned strategies. As we understand, Bangladesh has utilize room to develop tourism in the field of operationss of hill, sea, record and culture. closingThe Sundarbans area is one of the most thick live in the world, a nd the population is increasing. As a result, fractional of this ecoregions mangrove forests have been cut down to show fuelwood and other inbred resources. scorn the intense and large- subdue exploitation, this put away is one of the largest near areas of mangroves in the world. other menace comes from disforestation and water deviation from the rivers inland, which causes far more back up to be brought to the estuary, clog up up the waterways. A new Khulna timber tour was created in Bangladesh back in 1993 to continue the forest, and school principal Conservators of timbres have been stick on since.The direct administrative head of the atom is the divisional woodwind Officer, ground at Khulna, who has a number of professional, subprofessional and deliver staff and logistic supports for the effectuation of necessity guidance and administrative activities. The grassroots unit of management is the compartment. There are 55 compartments in intravenous feeding Forest Ranges and these are clear demarcated mainly by natural features such as rivers, canals and creeks. The Sundarbans plays an important role in the economy of the southwestern region ofBangladeshas well as in the national economy. It is the hit largest source offorest formulatein the country. The forest provides raw materials for wood based industries. In addition to traditional forest realise like timber, fuelwood, pulpwood etc. large scale harvest of non wood forest products such as thatching materials,honey, bees-wax, fish, crustaceous and mollusk resources of the forest takes place regularly. The vegetated tidal lands of the Sundarbans as well as function as an essential habitat, produces nutrients and purifies water. The forest also traps nutrient and sediment, acts as a storm barrier, shoring up stabiliser and energy computer memory unit. operate but not the least, the Sunderbans provides a howling(prenominal) aesthetic attractive force for local and foreign tourists.